Back To The Same, Again

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I ignored him for the rest of the day until I got to go back in the room with Jaden.

~ 5 days later ~

Throughout the past days I saw Bryce bring different girls to his room. He even went and had the audacity to kiss them in front of me. Which for some reason made me jealous. Regardless, this morning I woke up to the sun peeking through the window from sunrise. It was around 8 in the morning and I didn't want to stay with the boys for another day. I wanted to leave before Bryce got even more mad. I got my phone and started scrolling through Google trying to find an apartment to stay at. Eventually I found an ideal place and I wanted to go look at it today. I was in a really good mood and I decided to get ready for the day. I took a shower and got dressed.

 I took a shower and got dressed

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^Your Outfit^

Jaden had woken up before I left to shower so I told him about the apartment. I was excited to tell him that I was leaving so that their lives could be normal and I could do what I came here for. I expected him to be more happy be he didn't sound as enthused, nor did he look enthused than he should've been. I assumed he told the rest of the boys because by the time I was done curling my hair and doing my makeup I walked out everyone began talking about it. Almost everyone knew.

Jsh: "Hey, you're leaving?"
A: "Why are you leaving?"
Q: "Oh she isn't staying?"
G: "Don't leave"
B: "She is leaving? Finally"
A: "Can you not, Bryce? Like for once? Just don't!"
Y/N: "I'm not leaving. Yet. And no I'm not staying. I'm thinking about it... I found an apartment and I was going to go see it today and find out if it was as good as it seemed. But yes I will most likely be leaving, finally.."
Jdn: "I don't want you to go..."
B: "You all act like you actually want her to stay...?"
G: "We do want her to stay"
B: "No one likes her!"
Jsh: "Quit being an ass bro! Don't act like you dont like her."

I saw Josh looking at Bryce and I realized what he talked about... Bryce just rolled him eyes and walked up to his bedroom.

Jdn: "So are you going to go see it now"
Y/N: "Yeah just let me run go get my phone from upstairs."
Jdn: "Alright.. Is anyone else coming?"
Q: "I'll go!"
Jsh: "Anthony and I cant we have to go do something but bye!"
G: "Oh.. I need to answer a call... Sorry, bye!"

As I was walking up the stairs to go get my phone in the room I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me into their room. Bryce.

Y/N: "Bryce what are you doing?"
B: "You're leaving!?"
Y/N: "Oh come on! You want to do that now? You haven't even talked to me for days! You literally brought girls to your room! And exactly to how many did you say the same to them also? You kiss some many other girls maybe a thousand times a day. IN FRONT OF ME. But you kissed me once and regetted it. We aren't even a thing! You aren't dating me but yet you get mad at me for leaving the house when you dont want me here? And you expect to think about you. You don't like me! I'm fine with that. You have thousands of girls who fall at your feet everytime you bring them over. Go fuck with them! I'm not your little puppet you get to play with!"
B: "Who the hell says I dont like you! Who the hell says I don't fall at your feet everytime I see you! Who the hell says I reget kissing you?"
Y/N: "Oh maybe your actions? Why do you do that?! You dont want anyone to see us even talk to each other. You're rude to me in front of your own friends! And you like me? What else do you expect me to believe? You know if you really like me act like it! I have to go! Don't talk to me until you actually want to talk and not argue..."

You walked out Bryce's room and went to get your phone in Jaden's room. You headed straight downstairs and walked out to the car...

Jdn: "What took you so long?"
Y/N: "Oh I just couldn't find my phone. Sorry"
Jdn: "No its fine I was just wondering.."

When we got to the apartment I was looking around. Jaden and Quinton were for some odd reason just whispering to each other while they texted people. But the time we left both the boys were acting weird.

Jdn: "So did you like that one?"
Y/N: "I am not sure but dont wsnt to be a bother at the house any longer, it'll do for the time being. So yeah I guess so."
Q: "Are you sure?"
Jdn: "Or you can stay at the house!!"
Q: "We texted the boys and we decided you can stay!"
Y/N: "What? No... I'm sorry I mean I would but.. Bryce. I just don't want he to keep getting mad at me for staying."
Jdn: "Whatever... Its whatever he can just get over it I mean he is the only one who doesn't want you there but everyone else does. We all grew attached to you. Which is weird cause we don't usually live with a girl. Clearly. You're like the first to actually live here. Also yes I am saying you're living there now because I'm not letting you go. So lets go back home."
Y/N: "You guts dont even have a room for me to be in.. So no I won't be staying."
Q: "Actually they do. There is a room at the house like it already has a bed and everything except they throw like, a bunch of random stuff in there.. So yeah. But the boys are actually cleaning it out right now.. By the time we get back they'll probably be done."

We drive back home.. And we walked in and there were a lot of stuff that was out of place. We all ended up clean everything up and soon enough I had a room. They brought my suitcase and bags and I finally unpacked. I guess I'm living here now Bryce looked happier but I was cause I didnt know what to do with him. I wanted to apologize to him. But I didn't want to go because I knew he would end up doing more than just accepting my apology. But I felt like I liked him back. But he could just be using me like the other girls he's been with, within the past few days. I went to Josh's room where he was laying on his bed watching Netflix. I went to him and asked him to cover for me while I went to Bryce's room. I know. I regretted it as soon as I went in too.

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