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I giggled as I looked at him. He finished filming and he got his editor to edit the video for him to upload for the week it took about a day to edit so Bryce uploaded it the next day. It was about a few minutes since Bryce and people blew up our social media accounts. So Bryce got the idea to let people to ask us questions about our relationship and then we would answer them.. So a Q/A about our relationship. Bryce and I tweeted and told our followers to ask us questions and within minutes our comments were flooded. Bryce and I pick a few out and waited to film the next week.

~ Next Week ~

I told him I was nervous because I wasn't used to the spotlight and Bryce being center of attention all the time answered back.

B: "You better get used to it cause I have a lot of the spotlight"
Y/N: "I question you sometimes..."
B: "No Im just playing.. Cut that out by the way or I'm going to look like the biggest douchebag on the internet. Anyway.. What's up guys welcome back to another video. And for the people who don't who this is, which you should know cause you weird if you don't.. But anyway for people who don't know this is my babygirl her name is.."
Y/N: "Y/N"
B: "Why are you so quiet.. Say it again but louder this time."
Y/N: "Y/N.."
B: "That was the same as before but okay..."
Y/N: "Well Im sorry but sometimes I just get shy.."
B: "Its okay... Anyway a lot of you had already suspected us dating..."
Y/N: "Which now you know we are"
B: "Yeah so if you didn't know we both tweeted asking you guys to tell us a bunch of questions. We have a lot of questions from you guys. Y/N and I picked some out.. And we are going answer them. First one says, 'when did you realize you like Y/N ps. I love you!' I love you too! And I think at first I liked her but I wasn't sure of it... you know.. She came out to L.A she was living here with us. Not going to lie I thought she was very attractive. The first time we started talking to each other wasn't great at all.. we were off to a pretty bad start. But eventually we came around that and I really started to talk to her more and then I knew. I was just kind like, this is the girl I want to be with. No doubt in my mind.. So I asked her out. I guess you could say it was like within a couple months of knowing her. I knew I liked her."
Y/N: "Awww that was so sweet. Anyway next question, 'Have you been secretly dating. If you have how long ago and why did you keep it a secret?' So, to answer your question yes we did. We kept it a secret for about a month he asked me to be his girlfriend on *(say a date)*. Its been about a month since that. But we were definitely hinting at it. So it didn't really didn't come as a surprise to most people which is what we were hoping for. The only reason we kept it a secret was because we were afraid that people would hate the fact that we were dating which would make us break up so we hinted at it so people would be more comfortable with our relationship"
B: "Yeah and just so you guys know. We weren't doing it to please people. We were doing it more for ourselves. I personally don't care what people think you know.. People aren't always going to support you through everything. And not everyone is going to like you. So if I am happy with doing what I am doing then I dont care what other people say. And at that moment I knew that I wouldn't have want to be with any other girl except her. So if we were to tell our fans right away I knew that I could get hate from my fan girls. And then my fan girls would hate her. And I care about her so we didn't want that in the way and cause us to break up. You know? Next, 'who made the first move?"

Bryce raised his hand up and I pointed at him while laughing. He looked over at me and began smiling then looked back to the camera.

B: "Obviously I did!"
Y/N: "Yeah he did..."
B: "So basically I remember that day everyone was in the pool for a while and eventually they left. I went to go take a shower and I had left my phone outside so I went to go get it and the only person that was still out there was Y/N. I asked her a question that we don't need to go into detail about but she answer and then she asked me a question. And she was basically asking why I had been shutting her out.. And not really warming up to her. That's one thing I will talk about. The only reason I wasn't opening up to her and getting attached to her was because i have been hurt in the past for trusting people too easily and I didn't want it to happen again. So that's why but in that moment I didn't answer her and I told her to follow me into my room. She got out the pool and dried off. I guess she went to go take a quick shower but then after she actually did go into my room. Need I remind you I didn't actually mean it. But she was in my room and I opened up to her, I told her that I liked her and I kissed her. Of course she kissed me back because we all knew she liked me from the start-"
Y/N: "Thats not true.."
B: "Yes it is we all know you wanted me."
Y/N: "Bryce! Shut up! Anyway... This question says, 'What do you find annoying about Bryce?' Oh this is easy so-"
B: "What? You find something annoying about me? That's rude"
Y/N: "Yes I find something annoying about you.. Don't you find something annoying about me?"
B: "No you're perfect.."

He said it with a smirk on his face and I rolled my eyes as I began talking again.

Y/N: "You're such a liar.. Anyway what I find annoying about him is that he is always trying to do something stupid. Like, literally just yesterday, he went with Anthony, Blake and Noah to go cliff jumping and he tried jumping off the cliff blindfolded. And no one told him anything. They just let him do it. I would have been okay with it if it didn't risk his life.."
B: "But I'm fine though.."
Y/N: "You do realized you could've fallen on a rock and hurt yourself?"
B: "Yeah but it didn't happen. Next question, 'Who said I love you first?' I did, again, of course. It was in the morning and she was brushing her teeth. I was walking up from behind her to hug her and I told her I loved her. She was surprised by it.. she was like what? And I was like I. Love. You. And then that's when she told me I love you back. That was like the first time I ever told her that."

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