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Y/N: "Thanks. To the both of you, I really didn't want to talk to him about it"
N: "No problem.. I mean I kind of figured.. After this morning with Bryce I didn't think you would want to talk about it. Come get your mind off of that. Here we can go get out nails done. I need to go change my acrylics anyway."
M: "Yeah besides I have a big feeling we'll all grow a bond together!"

After we finished getting our acrylics we were calling an Uber to go home when Fletcher came by again. Nessa, Mads, and I didn't even realize he was approaching us until he began speaking to us.

F: "Hi! Nice to see you guys again!"
N: "Hi, again. "
M: "Hey"
F: "Mads I have a question for you"
M: "Okay.."

: "Are you and Jaden going to get back together? People started freaking out when they saw you hanging out with him again. So, are you going to date him again or you just becoming friends again"
M: "We've always been friends! But to answer your question no we aren't dating."
F: "Oh okay but would you think about getting back with him in the future?"
M: "No comment"
F: "Alright.. Nessa! Do you have anymore things that you're planning so far other than the videos on tiktok."
N: "Yeah I've been in the studio a lot, recently, you know. Music.."
F: "Oh really. Cant wait to hear that! That's so cool"
N: "Yeah"
F: "Y/N? You just recently join tiktok."
Y/N: "Yeah.."
F: "So your first videos blew up because of Jaden Hossler? Why did you get into tiktok? And how did you meet the guys?"
Y/N: "Well I have a dancing background so I really like dance and Jaden is already on tiktok so why not? And its a lonh story of how I met them."
F: "Oh so you have dancing background!"
Y/N: "Yes.. 5 years of classes and the rest is self taught."
F: "But you still havent answered the question the fans wanna know. Are you and Blake dating or something?"
Y/N: "No comment."
F: "But it was you who kissed him right?"
Y/N: "No comment."
F: "So you're just not going to answer my questions anymore?"
Y/N: "It's my personal life... I need my own privacy so.."

My phone began ringing.. An unknown number? I decided to answer it just in case. As soon as I answered the call I heard a voice. Bryce's voice.

*on the phone*
Y/N: "Hello?"
B: "Y/N"
Y/N: "Bryce? How did you-"
B: "Please come with me. When will you come back home.. I want to talk with you.."
Y/N: "Im about to go home.. Its just.. Nevermind I'll tell you when I get there.. But why? Are you okay?"
B: "Just tell me when you're back and go to my room don't worry though everything is fine I just want to talk to you.."
Y/N: "Alright I'll be there in a couple minutes"
N: "Anyway we have to go back home.. Bye"
M: "Come on Y/N.. Bye"
F: "Bye have a good day"


After the entire encounter with the paparazzi I finally got back home. I went to Bryce's room.

Y/N: "Hey. Why did you want me here?"
B: "Hi! I just felt like I needed to apologize. I'm sorry Y/N. I know I was upset earlier but I get it. It wasn't your fault. It's half Blake's fault.. But then again you were both drunk.. Blake is out but we're going to have to talk to him."
Y/N: "It's okay.. I get it. I mean to be honest I was also a little upset because I thought you wouldn't want to talk to me"

Bryce got closer to hug me and keep me in his arms. I didn't realize I felt too upset I didn't want to let go... He got on his bed and he took me along with him. He pulled me back into his arms. He cuddled me.. I felt so close with him.. I got upset. I realized that maybe one day we wouldn't be happy with each other and we'd let go other one another.. I began crying.. And I buried my face up against his chest. I couldn't help but let tears fall down. Bryce noticed I was crying and he just held me tighter and rested his chin above, on my head. I could smell his cologne and I could hear his heart beat racing.. I didn't want him to ever go..


I'm assuming I accidentally fell asleep with him last night. I woke up in his arms this morning.

B: "Hey.. Are you okay?"
Y/N: "Yeah.. Im sorry I fell asleep.. With you"
B: "It's okay.. I kind of wanted you to stay with me. I didn't want you to go.. Can you stay with me today? Like... I don't know I just want you to be here.."
Y/N: "Yeah.. I don't really feel like getting out the house today I just kind of want to stay home."
B: "Are you cold? You're shivering" Bryce slightly chuckled.
Y/N: "A bit. I didn't realized it was that cold until I got out your arms.."
B: "You want a hoodie"
Y/N: "I'll go get one in my room-"
B: "No... Get one from my closet. Get which ever one you want.. I don't really mind"
Y/N: "But they're your's..."
B: "Yeah but I really want you to get mine.. Come on just get one"
Y/N: "Fine"

I got one of his hoodies.. And of course it was very big on me. I was cold so I immediately put it on and went back in to his bed. I laid beside him and he just stared at me.. And went to rest his head on my stomach.

B: "Are you genuinely okay? Y/N?"
Y/N: "I mean yeah for the most part.. But do you just ever feel like sometimes life really is short.. And days go by and you feel like you're nothing.. And like you failed at life. Like just think about it. We both only have one life to be happy and make something out of ourselves.. And you're just kind of there doing nothing, being nothing..."
B: "Is that why you were crying last night.."
Y/N: "No... I was crying last night because of us. What if you day we genuinely don't like each other anymore.. You won't be there to make me happy.."
B: "Stop... Don't think of that.. I like being with you and you know that.."
Y/N: "Yeah I know.."
B: "Y/N! You're on Hollywood Fix again?"
Y/N: "Yeah.. It was kind of annoying.. He kept asking me about Blake.."
B: "It's okay.. Well figure it out soon."

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