Just Friends

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B: "Y/N! You're on Hollywood Fix again?"
Y/N: "Yeah.. It was kind of annoying.. He kept asking me about Blake.."
B: "It's okay.. Well figure it out soon."

Bryce and I stayed in his room all day watching TV. We ended up talking about me. He asked me to tell him things about myself.. So I told him about my dance, art, photography, and singing background. And he was surprised. We were ordering food on postmates and they were about to be there. Bryce and I walked downstairs when we both got distracted by Josh and Blake being filmed outside by Fletcher, or better known as the Hollywood Fix paparazzi. I was scared that he was asking Blake about the accidental kiss.. With me Which he was obviously going to ask about.

Y/N: "Seriously.."
B: "Here go somewhere where they can't see you and I'll go outside to get the food..."
Y/N: "Alright.."

Bryce's POV:

I walked outside trying to look for the postmates guy.. And of course I got caught up with Fletcher.

Jsh: "Yeah just working out you know.. Gotta stay fit."
F: "Hi Bryce! How are you man? What are you doing?"
B: "I've been great... Uhh but I just came out here for the postmates guy."
F: "Oh okay.. So while you're waiting, and you're all here. I need to ask, are you all hanging out with Y/N?"
Jsh: "Umm yeah.. Yeah we are"
B: "Yeah she's really nice.."

I could hear Blake and Josh slightly whispering back and forth to each other.

Bl: "Who is Y/N"
Jsh: "I'll tell you later cause you clearly don't remember... Just don't answer any questions about her"

F: "So Blake I've been trying to ask Y/N personally about you two kissing at the night of the party... So I'll ask you. Was it her that you kissed"
Bl: "No comment"
F: "So you're not going to answer either? Alright are you two dating or talking at the moment?"
Bl: "Im not going to comment on any of it."

Postmates came and I grabbed tbe food and headed back inside.

Your POV:

Bryce was walking in and I was hoping nothing too bad happened.

B: "He definitely asked about you but Blake isn't talking about it. But we really need to talk to him about it... I know you don't want to but.."
Y/N: "I know. We can do it after we eat though..."

We finished eating our food and Blake and Josh were heading upstairs to take showers when Bryce was stopping Blake and told him to meet him in his room to talk after taking his shower. Bryce and I headed to his room and waited for Blake to come over. Eventually he did and he was confused.

B: "Hey!"
Bl: "Hey what's going on?"
B: "That is Y/N.."
Bl: "Oh shit... I'm sorry.. I-I"
Y/N: "It's okay.. We were both drunk... Although you did try and push yourself onto me.. it's okay."
Bl: "I literally don't remember much but I do remember that and I am so sorry. I knew you didn't want me to kiss you I'm just sorry."
B: "I'm not trying to be rude but just don't get up on her like that anymore."
Bl: "I won't but why are you getting so protective of it.."
B: "Because it's not right."
Bl: "Oh well alright. Isn't that Bryce's hoodie?"
Y/N: "Yeah it is.. I was just cold and yeah.."
B: "Alright you can go now.. Bye!"

Bryce locked his door and grabbed my hand. We walked over to his bed and we cuddled together. We started talking and he really wanted to make tiktoks. There was a dance he didn't know how to do so I had to teach him. We both made a few. Then we headed downstairs where all the boys were. They all just kind of stared and we stood still.


Y/N: "Hey?"
Jdn: "Hi"
A: "Hey when did you two start talking"
Q: "Hey!"
G: "Bryce I thought you didn't like her"
Jsh: "Is that his hoodie?"
K: "Hi! What's going on?"
Bl: "Hey Bryce. Hey Y/N."
N: "I'm confused who is she.. No offense though!"
B: "Hey, she's Y/N... we kind of became friends.. And yeah that's mine"
N: "Why are we surprised about this?"
Jdn: "Because Bryce used to hate Y/N.
Y/N, can I talk to you?"
Y/N: "Yeah I'll be there with you in a minutes.. I'll be back Bryce.."

When we were walking downstairs Bryce and I were holding hands and we still were when we were talking. So I tried letting go without anybody noticing to go with Jaden. But of course Jaden noticed.

Y/N: "Hey want do you want to talk about?"
Jdn: "Since when have you and Bryce been friends?"
Y/N: "We kind of put the hate he had for me in the past. We became friends a couple days ago.. It hasn't been too long why?"
Jdn: "Is that why you've been so distant with me?"
Y/N: "I haven't been distant with you."
Jdn: "Do you like him? He isn't good for you.. He'll hurt you. Out of every guy in this house it had to be the one that wouldn't treat you right.."
Y/N: "No! Jaden we're friends.. And even if i did like him it's my life.."
Jdn: "Only friends? You're wearing his hoodie and you've been in his room all day.. I sure hope you're only friends.. You are already distant with me.."
Y/N: "Aww Jaden.... I promise we are friends.."
Jdn: "Fine"

I hugged him trying to be nice and we both walked back with the boys..

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