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Once he was in his room I walked over to Bryce's room and knocked on the door. For a moment he didnt open so I knocked again this time he opened.

Y/N: "Hey can you tell me why you dont like me now?"
B: "What are you doing here?"
Y/N: "I want to know why you don't like me, cause if I am being honest, I'd want to get to know you. But before that or anything else you need to tell me why you dont like me."
B: "Get in here! Hurry before someone sees you're here"
Y/N: "You do know nobody is here except Josh and he is in his room right?"
B: "That doesn't matter he could still see us and I'm not taking that chance."
Y/N: "You let me in here for a reason and that's to tell me why you dont like me.. So I'll just wait here."
B: "Can I be honest with you?"
Y/N: "Yeah"
B: "I dont."
Y/N: "You dont what?"
B: "I dont hate you. I never have. And I can't keep up the act! Oh I hate you this and that. You..."

Before he finished his sentence he got closer to me and I was scared. I had an idea of what was going on but I didn't want to think about it like this. I was just hoping for another situation which really wasn't even possible. As soon as he got closer I heard him whisper to himself.

B: "Fuck it.."

He grabbed me by my waist and bent down to kiss me. I didn't want to kiss him cause I wasn't sure of what was happening but I also did cause I secretly knew that he wasn't a rude person that pretended to be. If I was being honest he was a very attractive person who was trying to act tough But then when I thought about it more I remembered he was also a fuckboy who played with girls feelings. As things couldn't get anymore awkward Josh walked in when Bryce kissed me.

Jsh: "Oh shit! Buddy made his move. What the hell Bryce!?"

Josh's POV:

I was going to ask Bryce if he would help me film a youtube video tomorrow so I could come up with an idea so I walked over to his room. I opened the door and the first thing I saw was Bryce kissing Y/N. I immediately started smiling and freaking out cause I thought he hated her.

Your POV:

When we heard Josh we both immediately pulled away from each other. I felt very embarrassed I could just feel my cheeks turning red and Bryce pushed Josh out the room and shut the door. He locked it and sat on his bed. You could still hear Josh knocking on the door trying to open it.

B: " Josh! You better keep your fucking mouth closed! I'm sorry. Y/N, that shouldn't have happened. Just forget about it. It would probably be better if you left though"
Y/N: "Wait, Bryce! Why did you do that-"
B: "Just go okay! Please.."
Y/N: "Why did you do that?"
B: "You want to know why? Because you are fucking gorgeous as hell and you are so nice and everything about you is perfect. Its not just you and your looks. It's you as a person. Your personality. Everything!"

I didnt want to kiss him but I sat next to him on the bed and hugged him for a moment. He was nice. Or maybe not

B: "Just go.. That was a mistake"
Y/N: "I'll leave now I guess.. Bye?"

Josh was waiting for the door to open across the hall and when he saw me come out he ran up to me and asked me so many questions.

Jsh: "Wait! Y/N! Why were you guys kissing? I thought he hated you."
Y/N: "Josh! Please don't tell anyone about that. That it was a mistake and it shouldn't have happened."

Jsh: "What do you mean? You kissed him."
Y/N: "No. I didn't kiss him he kissed me. I didn't want to but then I did.. And it's just. Whatever please just forget about it."
Jsh: "What's wrong?"
Y/N: "Nothing's wrong."

I left back to my room and Josh came with me. He didn't want to leave me alone until I told him everything that happened. I felt comfused that Bryce would kiss me and then say that was a mistake. Josh helped and told me that he wouldn't say anything as long as I tried talk to him again. By the time we were done talking nobody had came back yet and it was about to be sunset. Josh had an idea that would apparently help me just take a breath and relax. He told me to get in the car and he drove me to a place that was like a hill behind a building. He climbed up the hill and then helped me get up. When I got on top I realized that I was on the roof of a building.

Jsh: "Sometimes I come here by myself just to take some time away and just think. Its really pretty."
Y/N: "It is pretty. I can see the city from here... Thanks Josh."
Jsh: "No problem. Also when you talk to Bryce about the whole situation tell me about it. Keep me updated okay? I don't care, you have to tell me."
Y/N: "I mean I guess I could but how? It's not like I can randomly talk to you sometimes and tell you about it when everyone is there."
Jsh: "You can text me. But when we are alone you can just tell me. Talking about texting Griffin just texted me."
Y/N: "What did he say?"
Jsh: "He said Quinton is at thw house We have to go. If you ever need anything and if you ever want to come back just tell me also here is my number."

Josh gave me his number and we drove back home. When we were inside. I knew about Quinton. I had watched him on tiktok. And I was freaking out.. I was going to meet him! We got home and he was sitting on the couch. He looked over and got up to hug Josh.

Q: "Hey! I was waiting for someone to come back all I know is that Bryce is taking a shower."

I was looking down but I could feel him staring down at me for a couple seconds until Josh introduced me.

Jsh: "Oh sorry this is Y/N. She just got here."
Y/N: "Hi"

I would expect to just talk to him but of course not. He pulled me into a hug and of course nothing good comes out of situations like these. While Quinton was hugging me Bryce walked out. He stared and gave me that look. The look that lets someone know they are upset. I didn't care though. He made me upset cause he did things that made everything so confusing it's like he can't make up his mind. He likes me one minute and then the next he snaps back into the rude person who hates me. I was tired of it and I hadn't even been there for a day. I ignored him for the rest of the day until I got to go back in the room with Jaden.

~ 5 Days Later ~

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