Go Back to When...

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Josh's POV:

I just wish she knew how I felt. But I can't talk to her. She probably doesn't want me to. But regardless I was going to stay with Addi... I just wanted to be loved.

Your POV:

I was hanging out with Nessa the whole day so I decided to go home with Bryce. I walked in and didn't see anyone so I walked upstairs and went to my room. I found a note on my bed.


Hey you remember that place I showed you.. Where you could always go to when you needed to think. When you needed to escape for space. Please go there I need you. I need a friend.


I didnt know what it mean.. And I was kind of scared because it was starting to get late and dark, but I went anyway. I got to the top of the roof and saw Josh sitting at an edge.

Y/N: "Josh? What are you doing?"
Jsh: "Just thinking.."
Y/N: "About what?"

I was scared that he was going to jump off and I guess the panic in my voice was visible.. But I approached him and sat beside him.

Jsh: "If you're thinking I'm going to jump, the answer is no. I just like the view of the city here.. And I can think better here."
Y/N: "Okay, well what did you need me for. What's wrong?"
Jsh: "I went out with Addison yesterday. And I already know she is using me.. But it just made me think of Nessa.. I cant stop thinking of her. I missed her so much... How is she."
Y/N: "I don't really know.. I mean she's okay. But she's been better."
Jsh: "Has she said anything about me."
Y/N: "Look. Josh you should talk to her. Especially if you miss her. Maybe it's for the better. Just make sure you're over with Addison."
Jsh: "But I dont want to. Im scared."
Y/N: "Scared? Of what?"
Jsh: "Not being loved. What if I leave Addison to go with Nessa and Nessa doesn't want me."
Y/N: "Im sure she will.. And besides Addison is toxic.. She will only bring you down."
Jsh: "I guess you're right.. But will you help me."
Y/N: "Josh. You can do it by yourself. You're just overthinking it. It will be okay.. It will work out if it was meant to work out."
Jsh: "... I still have to go with Addison tomorrow."
Y/N: "Don't go with her. Go with Nessa"
Jsh: "What do you mean?"
Y/N: "Ditch Addison. Go to Nessa when you're supposed to be when Addison."
Jsh: "That's actually a good idea.."
Y/N: "All of my ideas are good ideas"

We laughed and then all of a sudden my phone started ringing.

*on the phone*

Y/N: "Hey what's up?"
B: "I just wanted to know if you had came home then left cause I saw things thrown on your bed."
Y/N: "Oh yeah I came home but I didnt really see anyone.. I was going to look for you but I had to help someone.."
B: "Oh who did you need to help?"

I looked at Josh to let him know I was going to tell Bryce. He nodded in agreement and then stared back into the city view.

Y/N: "Josh.. He's confused about Addison and Nessa"
B: "Oh okay.. Just tell him that I said I hope that at the end of the day what he chooses make him happy."
Y/N: "Okay I will. Im coming back soon where are you?"
B: "In my room.. And thankfully you're coming back.. I was waiting for you.. Anyway. I love you."
Y/N: "I love you too. Bye. See you soon"

Jsh: "Im guessing that was Bryce.."
Y/N: "Yeah he told me to tell you that he hopes at the end of your choice make you happy."
Jsh: "Okay.. Well I guess you have to go now"
Y/N: "Yeah Bryce is waiting on me but don't worry you got this.. Don't stress about it. If you want to come home I can take you now.. Unless you want to stay here a while longer."
Jsh: "I think I'll stay."
Y/N: "Alright well bye!"

I hugged him then got up off the edge and grabbed my things then left. I drove back to Sway. I went to find Bryce in his room to tell him I would change and brush my teeth first before going with him. After I was done I walked back to his room and sat next to him in his bed.

B: "Get under the blankets you're sleeping with me.."
Y/N: "What if I said I didn't want to?"
B: "Well then I would make you but we all know you want to..."

He smiles at me and I lay next to him as he wraps his arm around my body and kisses my cheek. I sighed and turned around to face him.

Y/N: "Its been a long day.."
B: "Well tell me about your day. How was it?"
Y/N: "I dont know I just feel exhausted.. It wasnt a bad day though. I got to hang out with Ness.. And then she ended up talking about Josh. And when I got home Josh wanted to tall about Nessa."
B: "Oh yeah, about that... Now what are we supposed to do about Addison?"
Y/N: "It doesnt matter.. Just leak the screenshots of the texts she sent to Jaden and we're fine. And if she doesn't stop there we'll get the rest of the boys that she tried to get with."
B: "You're right."
Y/N: "So what did you do today?"
B: "I filmed for youtube today.. My day was pretty boring.. I ran out of content ideas so the video didn't cone out as well but I might film extra footage with Jrod tomorrow."
Y/N: "Well we should sleep then.. Im going to the studio with Jaden tomorrow."
B: "Can you make time for us to have lunch together."
Y/N: "Of course I can. Im really just there to see how it is and just hangout with Jaden so yeah what time?"
B: "I'll called you.. I'm not sure when either because I'm going to be filming and stuff so yeah."
Y/N: "Okay well goodnight. I love you!"
B: "I love you too.."

He kissed my lips and the hugged me tightly against him as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


So just to let you know... I changed some things a bit to make it make sense with the story plot. Bryce didn't get with Addison because he was trying to make Y/N jealous. Addison forced and threatened him to hook up with her. She said she would hurt Y/N if Bryce didn't listen. When Bryce got mad at Josh because he was hooking up with Y/N, he finally decided to threaten Addison back and was able to get back to you. Now she is trying yo make everyone believe Bryce was cheating on her..  When in reality in their past relationship, Addison tried hooking up with Bryce's best friends (aka sway) while dating him. If it doesn't make sense just go a couple chapters back and skim through the story.

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