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I felt confused and pressured to answer him. I knew I liked Bryce. But after everything with Bryce and Addison I wasn't sure. And with Josh recently breaking up with Nessa I didn't know if Josh and I were just trying to ignore our true feelings. Were we both coping by pretending we have feelings for each other instead?

Jsh: "Well I do. I know. I like you Y/N, I do I just don't know if you do. But neither do you."

I was confused. It was like I was leaning more to Josh's side cause he had always been genuine with me. But Bryce... Well I've had more or an up and down past with him.. In the moment I like Josh more.. If... I was being honest.

Y/N: "Well... I'm not sure. I-"

I liked him. I did. Was I lying? No. Because in that moment I did like him. Regardless of whether or not I was lying to myself but I didn't want to tell him. I knew that soon enough that feeling would fade. And I didn't want to do that to Josh. But I still needed someone to be there just not him. Because the one thing that I am certain of were my feelings towards Bryce. Even if Bryce was talking to Addison, I may not talk to him anymore and our thing would be over but deep inside I would still like him.

Y/N: "I'm sorry Josh I can't sit here and lie to you. And even if I tried I know that feeling will fade away soon. I just can't hurt you like that."

I saw Josh as he nodded. And whispered to himself..

Jsh: "I knew it"

I felt bad so I softly went to hug him. He pulled me in tighter.

Jsh: "Well you can go if you want.. I wouldn't want to waste your time..."
Y/N: "I'm sorry Josh but it's just for the better."
Jsh: "Yeah I know.."
Y/N: "Josh. I can assure you.. You don't like me.. You just broke up with Nessa. I know you still love her. Not me. But if you need someone to be there for you I'm here. Im still your best friend. Its not like I'm going to be a complete stranger from now on. I care about you because I am your friend."
Jsh: "I know.. I'm sorry."
Y/N: "Stop saying I'm sorry. There is nothing to be sorry about okay come here."

I hugged him again and like always he decided to make fun of my height. But I didn't mind because at least he was laughing and smiling. The only thing I would ever want him to be.. Is to be happy.

Jsh: "You're so short I have to bend down to hug you."
Y/N: "Sorry! I'm sorry I wasn't sprayed with tree fertilizer as a baby to grow 12 feet into the air overnight like you. Some say it's a curse I say it's a blessing."
Jsh: "You can walk out now shortie."
Y/N: "You're so annoying!"

I walked out heading toward Jaden's room. I knocked on his door and walked in seeing him doing something on his computer. I walked over and talked to him.

Y/N: "Hey Jaden! You're still not sleeping?"
Jdn: "I can't. I'm too excited to go sleep."
Y/N: "What producers were you talking about earlier?"
Jdn: "I know I haven't told you but remember when I let you hear someone of my songs well I've been working on them. And I got producers.. They called me and I'm getting ready to announce my release date for one of them. I have a lot of songs but I want to release them and spread them out throughout the year. But I'm listening back to the song to make some changes and I'll probably be in the studio for a while. But I'm releasing my song soon!"
Y/N: "Im so happy for you! Jaden you're going to release music! When will you release it?"
Jdn: "In 2 weeks! Im posting about it tomorrow morning."
Y/N: "I hope it does well. Besides your singing is amazing!"
Jdn: "Thanks.. I mean it's not just me who should be releasing music. You should try. You have an awesome voice too!"
Y/N: "I dont know I'll think about it but I wont guarantee that I will. Anyway.."
Jdn: "So how are you? How have you been? I haven't really talked to you for a few days."
Y/N: "Stressed. But I wanted to sleep here with you for tonight if that's okay? I'm just tired and confused. I feel lonely."
Jdn: "Of course! You can always sleep here. But what's wrong? Are you okay?"
Y/N: "Im just confused that's all."
Jdn: "Really? What's wrong! I just want to know.. I'm always here for you. And you know it. Do you trust me."
Y/N: "Fine I guess it's time you knew. It was always you I had to hide it from. I wasn't sure what you would say, but Bryce and I have been talking for a while. Ever since I got here he would talk to me at night and one night... I told him he had to stop being rude to me in front of you and the rest of the boys. Because he told me he liked me. So I made him prove it. So far he's been doing pretty good but.. I'm not sure. I feel like he's talking to Addison. Like talking, talking."
Jdn: "Why didn't you tell me since the start?"
Y/N: "You're very overprotective. You're exactly like my older brother."
Jdn: "Do you like him?"
Y/N: *whispers* "Yeah"
Jdn: "So he is basically cheating even though you aren't dating. I don't care if he is sleeping. He isn't going to do that. If he likes you he isn't going to do that to you. I'm waking him up."
Y/N: "No! Jaden. Don't wake him up. Stop!"

Jaden got up and began walking down the hall heading towards Bryce's room as I tried pulling him back. It didn't work so eventually he walked in screaming his name.

Jdn: "Bryce! Bryce wake up! Bryce!"
Y/N: "Jaden! Stop! Don't wake him up?"
B: "What are you doing?"
Y/N: "Bryce go back to sleep."
Jdn: "No I have a question! Wait no its not me. It's Y/N."
Y/N: "Fine.."

I let go of Jaden and I walked over to where Bryce was laying on the bed. I saw his head buried in the middle of the blankets as he sat up straight. I asked him about Addison as he stared blankly into my eyes.

B: "Y/N. I'm not talking like that with Addison. I dont like her like that. The reason she said that was because we finally hung out together after our break up. Yes I'll go ahead and tell you that I used to date her. I'm not even going to lie. But there was a reason I broke up with her. We hung out together for Griffin's YouTube video. We were eating ice cream. Which is what stained my lips like that. Also the heart beside her name? Really? Did you even read your own name?"

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