Remedy For A Broken Relationship

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His soft gaze met my eyes and without trying, all the flashbacks of Bryce and I together came flooding back in memory. The tears formed in the bottom of my eyes. And the blank stare spread across my face. He sat right beside me on the bed and pulled me closer hugging me. I looked back up at him and felt a comfortable feeling of relief.

Y/N: "I don't want leave.. I don't want to go and talk to him.."
Jsh: "You'll be fine..."
Y/N: "That's not why.."
Jsh: "Then why?"
Y/N: "You remember back when you kissed me.."

Josh lightly laughed remembering the time he kissed me on accident. He looked back down at me.. With a confused facial expression.

Jsh: "Yeah? Why?"

I looked up at him and leaned closer to his soft lips. He rested his forehead against mine.. And just as our lips about connected.. He stop and chuckled.

Jsh: "Y/N. Stop. This isn't what you want. Just like you were a good friend to me.. I'll tell you the same. You don't like me.. You're just hurt. Talk to him. Like I told you before.. He doesn't lie."

With that being said I thought it through and knew what was best. I had to talk to him and let him know how I felt. So I did. Later came evening, and I was getting myself emotionally stable and ready to talk to Bryce. I grew the courage, and walked to his room and knocked on the door.

Y/N: "Hey....?"

He looked surprised.

B: "Uhh.. Umm. Hey..? Y/N."
Y/N: "Can I come in?"
B: "Yeah sure.."

I walked in his room with him following behind. I was just entering his room and the gush of air with his scent traveled through the room.. And I just knew I wouldn't make it out of here without a tear down my face.

Y/N: "Please lock it.. I just need to have a private conversation with you.. Umm. I came here to talk to you.. I know we haven't talked since.. That night."

His face flooded with guilt and sadness.

Y/N: "And just so you know.. Im not here to yell at you. But I am not going to stand here lie to you saying that Im not upset and mad because I am. I'm mad. And upset. With you..."
B: "Y/N."
Y/N: "Please just listen to me.. I am not going to wait for your opinion. I am not going to listen whether or not you want to do it or not. I've made up my mind. From the start.."

I could hear and feel my voice cracking. Knowing I was getting upset.

Y/N: "I was happy with you. I honestly thought what we had was something genuine.. I was wrong. Since then you did this to me. I know we haven't officially said anything about our relationship-"
B: "You're breaking up with me? Right?"

He said with a stern voice..

Y/N: "Yeah I am! Because I can't stay with you knowing you're going to continue seeing Addison as more than just a friend!"
B: "You won't even let me explain it!"
Y/N: "I don't want you to explain! Because the more we talk about the more I get mad at the fact that I've done everything for our relationship and all for you to just throw it away! Carelessly!"

By this time I began crying again. I couldn't control it.

B: "What did you do? You did nothing for our relationship!"
Y/N: "Yes I did! I let go of people to be with you! I made people upset with me because I wanted to be with you! People hated me! I pushed people away for you! I ignored everything people told me not to do! For example date you! But I did it anyway! I guess I should've listen.. But I guess I'm also the one walking away.. To help this relationship as well. Because when are you going to do it?"
B: "You know what you can leave I don't care anymore."

He said as he saw the last tear fall from my red eyes to my cheek

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