Set up **Gone Wrong**

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Okay!! But can you pick
me up?🥺❣️

yeah! Ill come by at like
5:30 maybe. Is that okay?

Definitely! Can wait to
see you!🥰

Josh's POV:

I was confused as to why Addison had texted me.. I ended up deciding to tell Bryce and Y/N about it.

Jsh: "Bro.. Addison just texted me.."
Y/N: "Who texted you?"
Jsh: "Addison"
B: "What did she want?"
Jsh: "She asked if I wanted to go out with her for dinner. I said yes."
B: "Eww why?"
Jsh: "I didnt want to be rude.."
B: "She is ALREADY rude- whatever"
Jsh: "Sorry-"
Y/N: "Wait! What if we set her up?"
B: "Oh- thats a good idea!"

Bryce says giving Y/N a high five.

Jsh: "What do you mean?"

They explained to me that they wanted to make me go to dinner with her, lead her on and then use it against her to make her stop trying to expose Bryce. I didn't want to do it though, I actually wanted to go out with her.. and soon take her on a date. I have always been afraid of not being loved and she's the only one now. Even if it was fake, I still wanted it. But I said yes anyway, maybe I just wont do it.

Jsh: "Yeah sure.. I guess."

I got ready to go to out with Addison. I drove to her house and she opened the door and sat beside me.

Ad: "Hi Josh!!"
Jsh: "Hey! You look pretty."
Ad: "Thanks! Can we go to Saddle Ranch?"
Jsh: "Of course.. Anything for you."
Ad: "Aww"

We got out and ate dinner.. Like always I saw Fletcher filming us.. He never asked questions.. Just filmed. We finished eating and then went back to my house.. Jaden was at the studio anyway, so no one was home. We got inside and we were walking up to my room when she stopped me and held my hands. She pulled me down and kissed me.. Without breaking the kiss I close my bedroom door and locked it. She lead me to the bed and continued kissing me. I pulled away and stared into her eyes.

Jsh: "Maybe we shouldn't.."
Ad: "Why not?"

She says sadly pouting her lips.

Jsh: "I just don't think we should."
Ad: "Come on.. For me. Please."

She tugs on my shirt and slips her hand underneath.. Running her hand up and down my abs and chest, as she sits in my lap. She kisses me again. This she tries taking my shirt off..

Jdn: "Josh where are you? Im home! Are you home?"

We faintly hear Jaden say.

Jsh: "We really shouldn't. Addison stop. Give me a second."

I get off the bed and Addison rolls her eyes. I walk over to the door slightly opening it just so I could shout out to Jaden.

Jsh: "Im home.. Just busy. "
Jdn: "Where are you?"
Jsh: "In my room"

Jaden walks up and sees me sticking my head out through the cracked door.

Jdn: "Are you okay?"
Jsh: "Yeah.. Im just- busy.."

I say hesitating.. because Addison kept pulling my arm. Then Jaden says he would be watching TV and leaves.

Jsh: "Addison.. "
Ad: "What?"

She starts leaning back in to kiss me. But then I pushed her off and grabbed my shirt to put back on.

Jsh: "Yeah.. No. We aren't doing this."
Ad: "Fine. But take your shirt back off."

I take it off and lay down in bed. I pat the space beside me, telling Addison to lay next to me. I turned my TV on and put Netflix on. While Addison laid on my chest rubbing my abs and hugging my waist. I wrap my arms around her and she looks up at me.

Jsh: "What?"
Ad: "Nothing."
Jsh: "So you're just randomly staring at me?"

She grabs my hand and intertwines her fingers with mine. Then she lets go and begins fiddling with my fingers.


Why does Bryce and Y/N hate her? She's so nice.

~ Next day ~

Your POV:

Y/N: "Bryce!! Im leaving. I'm going Nessa's apartment."
B: "Okay have fun!"

I walk out and take Bryce's car. I get Nessa's apartment and she opens the door.

N: "Hi Y/N!"
Y/N: "I haven't seen you in FOREVER!"
N: "How are you?"
Y/N: "I mean I've been okay.. Besides the whole Addison thing."
N: "She's such a bitch for doing that."
Y/N: "I know but.. It's okay.. Apparently she trying cheating on him with Jaden. Clearly it didn't work. She even asked Josh yesterday to go to dinner with her."
N: "What did he say?"
Y/N: "Well he said yes to be nice.. But then Bryce and I told him to go just so that she can stop trying to 'expose' Bryce. "
N: "So a setup"
Y/N: "Yeah"
N: "I not going to lie to you.. I still kind of have feelings for him."
Y/N: "Does he know?"

She shakes her head and we keep talking.

Addison's POV:

I get out of bed and see Josh is sleeping.. I couldn't go out because Jaden was awake and didn't know I was here so I sat back on the bed and grabbed my phone. After a while I see Josh waking up. So I leave me phone and go back to doing what I had to do to make him fall in love with me.

Ad: "Hi Joshy.. Goodmorning."

I say running my fingers through his curly hair. He smiles and looks at me.

Jsh: "Since when have you been awake?"
Ad: "Not that long just a few minutes ago."

I hug his waist and he yawns and just laughs. He gets up and hugs me.


Ugh.. Why am I doing this again. I hate you.

Jsh: "Im cold.."
Ad: "Then come on.. "

I say while jumping back in bed.

Jsh: "You're cute.."
Ad: "Aww.. It cute too."

Josh's POV:

She reminded me of how much Nessa was like. Except Nessa wasn't as pushy. Nessa would always suggest things rather than tell me what to do. I just wish she knew how I felt. But I can't talk to her. She probably doesn't want me to.

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