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Regardless he left and never found me until I walked out. He forgot what he was trying to do and apparently it was already time to pick up Nessa from the airport. Josh got ready and he left. I decided to go with Jaden since I really hadn't talked to him.

Y/N: "Hey!"
Jdn: "Hey, where did Josh go?"
Y/N: "Oh he went to go get Nessa from the airport."
Jdn: "I have a question... You know how to dance right?"
Y/N: "Yeah.. 5 years in dance classes and the rest is self taught. Why?"
Jdn: "I was just wondering if you want to actually put you're skill to the public eye"
Y/N: "I mean I do.. But how?"
Jdn: "Tiktok...?"
Y/N: "Oh.. I would but I don't even have an account... So no"
Jdn: "So make one..."

Jaden made me an account on tiktok and he wanted me to do videos with him so I did. I actually really liked tiktok. The dances were great anyway. The first video I posted was with Jaden of course. And Jaden decided to film one on his account and tag me. Withing a few minutes I was gaining followers and likes. Jaden got the rest of the boys to make tiktoks with me to get my followers up and at least reach 100k by the end of the day.


Jdn: "Oh yeah! We were planning on throwing a party "
Y/N: "Since when?"
Jdn: "Oh we just thought of it yesterday... Bryce is close to 10 million. He was at 9.8 million yesterday.. And i haven't checked it since then. I'll go check hold up... He is at 9.9 million! Bryce! Come Y/N."
Y/N: "Okay.."

Jaden ran to Bryce's room while I walked behind him. Jaden didn't know about Bryce and I so Bryce had to make sure he didn't find out

B: "What are you doing?"
Jdn: "Oh I'm sorry I forgot you don't like her being around but that doesn't matter cause your about to hit 10 million on tiktok dude!"
B: "I know! I've been checking it all day! But I mean since you just said it out loud I guess that means she know about us.."
Jdn: "I-I mean yeah but.... She was going to found out sooner or later right?"
B: "Yeah.. It doesn't matter though.."
Jdn: "What? What doesn't matter?"
B: "Her. She's staying here now. And you guys aren't going to change your minds so. I'll have to put up with it. If shes staying I can't be mad at her all the time. It's whatever."
Jdn: "Yeah.... I guess?"
Y/N: "So this is awkward..."

I whispered to Jaden

Jdn: "Anyway the only reason I came here was to tell you that Josh and I planned a party for you tonight. To celebrate you hitting 10 million"

I felt weird being there within the first minute. After 3 minutes of being there I finally decided I would slowly leave the room. Jaden noticed but he did say anything. I guess it was just because he thought Bryce and I still weren't on good terms.


After a while of waiting for Josh and Nessa... They came and Nessa was the nicest person ever. She would hang out with me and we immediately became friends. The boys went to the store to get things for the party and by the time it was 6:00. We all went up to our rooms for the party. Nessa and I went up to my room to get ready.

^Your Outfit^

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^Your Outfit^

We went down and everything was decorated. There were so many things even beer.. I was surprised I didn't know they drank beer.

~ Nessa/N ~

Y/N: "They drink beer?"
N: "Yeah.. Most of them except Josh Anthony and Quinton."
Y/N: "Do you drink?"
N: "No. Well I mean I have once but I kind of want to drink one tonight. You know enough to make me get me a little drunk so I won't remember much.. But not enough to make me have a hangover tomorrow morning. You know."
Y/N: "Yeah I have drank once too and it didn't go easy on it. The next morning I was terrible. I wish someone had told me but anyway. I'll drink with you but only a little bit"
N: "Alright! By the way I'm going to be leaving next week so we definitely need to make plans tomorrow. Have you met Mads?"
Y/N: "No I've only known the boys and now you... But who is she"
N: "Oh she is Jaden's ex but she is my best friend. At this point with all the drama that I've been in for literally no reason, she became my only friend really, along with the boys. And now you! I wish i had more real friends you know one who don't leave at the worst times but at the same time I'm happy I don't need the negativity.."
Y/N: "Fake friends? Yep I've dealt with that... Once they stop talking to you. They start talking about you? It's people like them that make everything seem toxic..."
N: "Yeah.. I don't want to keep talking about this... Here wanna drink one for real"
Y/N: "Yeah! But wait who is that weird man outside..?"
N: "He... He is a paparazzi, most of the time he comes by and he tries asking us questions.. He literally never stops filming.. So everyone basically has to watch out what they are doing or else he will film you and then literally that is all people will talk about. But besides that he is a really good person. Like if he wasn't trying to film you day and night trying ask you personal questions he would be a great guy..."
Y/N: "Oh.. So I'm assuming he is here for the boys."
N: "Yeah pretty much! Anyway come on let drink!"
Y/N: "Alright!"

⚠️Underaged Drinking⚠️

N: "1.. 2.. 3!"
Y/N: "1.. 2.. 3!"

~30 minutes later~

S/O: "Hey you're kind cute"
Y/N: "What? No I'm not but thanks!"
S/O: "Im Blake who are you?"
Y/N: "A girl"

~ Blake/Bl ~

I laughed not knowing what I was saying because I was drunk

Bl: "You're so hot"
Y/N: "Blake stop! Eww stop! I dont want to kiss you!"
Bl: "Oh come on its only a little kiss"

Blake ended up forcing me into a kiss and I got upset. I pushed him off of me walking away..


The next morning I somehow woke up in my bed. All I remembered from last night was Nessa and I drinking and having fun with everybody else. And also Blake forcefully trying to kiss me.. I was just hoping no one saw us.. Cause it was terrifying. I got up to walk over to my bathroom to get ready for the day. Once I was done I walked out and all the boys were talking about that paparazzi Nessa and I were talking about last night.

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