Not Again

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We both laughed about the stupidity of that knowing the video he would upload to YouTube would most likely be titled along those lines. The entire car ride home all we talked about was him. He pulled up into the drive way and we quietly sit there. And he begins talking in that same soothing voice he always talks in that brings butterflies into my stomach.

Jsh: "What if we were dating....? Even for one day.. Or night?"
Y/N: "What are you talking about?"
Jsh: "What if we do date for a short while."
Y/N: "So kind of like a hookup?"
Jsh: "No.. Not a hookup. If you don't make it one."
Y/N: "Didn't you say it was bad?"
Jsh: "It is.."

He said with a smirk. Placing his hand on my cheek. Leaning in to kiss me, he placed his soft lips on my mine and then began to kiss me. Starting off slowly and getting more and more passionate. I leaned in closer holding on to his shirt then moving my hands onto his head. He pulled away smiling..

Jsh: "You can't lie and say you did like that."
Y/N: "This is bad.."
Jsh: "Why did we say it was bad in the first place?"
Y/N: "Its bad because of Bryce and Nessa.."
Jsh: "So? We aren't dating anymore. We are both single and free to do anything. Come on let's go."

We got out the car and he told me to go into my room. We walked in and Griffin and Anthony were sitting on the couch play video games.

Bryce's POV:

I saw Y/N and Josh walk up to Y/N's room after coming back from dinner. I felt upset and mad. She is hanging out with the other boys now? I justed wished she would've let me explain myself. I was mad enough as it was and Addison decided she would come over.. I didn't want her to but she threatened me she would hurt Y/N. So I had no choice. I needed to protect Y/N. As I was thinking Griffin, Noah, Anthony, and Vinnie walked in my room. They looked really mad and upset too. I was wondering what was going on until they began talking.

G: "What the hell did you do to Y/N?"
A: "Why did you make her fucking cry?"
B: "Get out my fucking room."
Nh: "No! You fucking bitch! I know what you did to her! Why the hell why you do that to her? She is so nice and sweet and that what you do to her?"
G: "Rumor goes around pretty fast don't make me share it on my page? A lot of people are already asking anyway."
B: "How the fuck did you guys find out anyway?"
V: "Well its kind of hard to ignore her crying right after she came out your room!"

Your POV:

Once we went in the room he closed and locked the door.

Jsh: "I can't get enough of you.."

He walked over to me and swept me off my feet, picking me up, making me wrap my legs around him. He then gently started kissing me again. He held me up by my waist, but moved up slowly to my stomach. Heading and walking closer to the bed. He bent down and laid me on the bed. Still not breaking the kiss. He pulled up and away from me and took his shirt off.. His abs showing and he bent down and his necklace dangled from above.. Right over my face. He leaned in once more and kissed my neck.. Trying to find my sweet spot. When he found it he stayed there for a couple more minutes in order to leave a hickey.

Jsh: "Just one night, right?"
Y/N: "Yeah just one.. We'll forget about it."

~ 1 week later ~

I woke up the in morning with me laying on Josh who was shirtless with sweatpants on. And his arms wrapped around me keeping me warm. Once I woke up he did too and he looked down at me and kissed my forehead.

Jsh: "Good morning."
Y/N: "Hi. I going to go take a shower...."
Jsh: "Alright.. "

I took a shower and I finished getting ready for the day and I found Josh eating breakfast on the island.

Jsh: "Hey! I made you breakfast while you were still getting ready. Blueberry pancakes and a smoothie. And don't worry its all vegan."
Y/N: "Aww.. That's so sweet. Thank you."

I could see Bryce sitting on the couch and I felt upset. The past week he was bringing Addison back. Did he ever like me? Was I really that stupid to think he cared about me? He was a fuckboy from the start what did I expect? It was just like before. I missed Bryce, because I still loved him. But when I saw what he was doing.. It hurt me.. When he brought girls over everyday.

Bryce's POV:

Addison came over again and she sat on the couch in the living room. In a spot where I was sure I could be seen by Y/N, who was sitting at the island in the kitchen. Addison kissed me making sure Y/N saw us. Ot hurt me I didn't want Y/N to see me. I saw her glance at me, and then quickly looked back down. While I was kissing Addison on the couch Josh got mad. He sat in front of Y/N, so she could ignore me. But I knew she was still looking. Soon Josh got up to throw his trash away and put his dish up. He then stood beside Y/N... She kissed him. She kissed him on the lips.. My heart began aching. Addison was kissing me and flipped over, made me lay down. She kissed me again and all I could think about in
Y/N. Kissing my best friend.

Your POV:

I was eating the breakfast that Josh made, and both Josh and I saw Bryce bring Addison and began to kiss her on the couch.. Right in front of me. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't so Josh sat in front of me. Eventually he got up to throw his trash and then he came and stood near me. I got the clever idea to kiss him. So I made him bend down and kissed him. He smiled.

Jsh: "What was that for?"
Y/N: "Just wanted to.."

I glanced over at Bryce and Addison letting him know I was trying to make him jealous.. Kind of like revenge.

Jsh: "Well in that case.."

He kissed me one more time making sure Bryce saw it again. I smiled at him and he picked me up and sat on the chair making me sit on his lap. He hugged my waist and rested his head in between my neck and shoulder. I finished eating and Josh began speaking to Bryce.

Jsh: "Hey perv! Could you maybe go to your room before you before you start rubbing your fucking nasty ass pubes all over the couch..? No you know what never mind. Im leaving Im going home with Jaden. Y/N is coming too by the way. Bye Bryce have fun with your girl..."

He said with a smirk.

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