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B: "We were eating ice cream. Which is what stained my lips like that. Also the heart beside her name? Really? Did you even read your own name?"

He handed me his phone telling me to unlock it. So I did and I went through his contacts where I found my name labeled as My Girl I looked up at him when I smiled as I saw him starring at me. I hugged him and he began talking.

B: "For all I know you can take my phone and search through it everywhere. I don't have anything to hide."
Y/N: "Im sorry I woke you up. Well no... I didn't Jaden did. But thanks Jaden.."
Jdn: "No problem Im going to go back in my room. Bye, goodnight Bryce. Goodnight Y/N."

We both told Jaden goodnight, as he left Bryce looked back at me and smiled.

Y/N: "What?"
B: "Nothing.."

Bryce started kissing me and I kissed him back then all of a sudden I felt him pull away and stare into my eyes

B: "Y/N, Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
Y/N: "Yes"
B: "What?"
Y/N: "You're cute."

Bryce and I got in bed. And I ran my finger through his hair and caressed his cheek. I stopped for a moment to stare at him and he opened his eyes.

B: "Why'd you stop? I like it when you do that."
Y/N: "I'll keep doing it then."

He snuggled in closer and we both fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up with Bryce next to me. He slowly fluttered his eyes open. I smiled at him as I got out of bed and headed towards the restroom to brush my teeth.

Y/N: "Good morning"

He got out of bed and he rubbed his eyes still sleepy. He walked up from behind me and hugged my waist. I laughed and he smiled saying something unexpected.

B: "I love you.."
Y/N: "What?"
B: "I. Love. You."
Y/N: "I love you too!"

We got ready for the day and we ate breakfast. I made tiktoks with him and kissed him in a few of the videos. I was planning on posting them trying to hint that Bryce and I were dating. As soon as I did all the boys ran into the room.

~ The boys/Tb ~

Tb: "Simp! You're a simp!"
Jsh: "Bryce is a simp!"

The all called him a simp and he just laughed as he hid under the covers. I laughed finding it hilarious that he was blushing. Meanwhile the boys where shoving phones in our faces of our videos.

B: "Im not a simp dude!"
G: "Y/N, isn't he a simp? He is simping for you!"
Y/N: "That's mean."
Jsh: "Look at him! Looking like an idiot! Simp. Bro you can't tell me buddy was simping hard right here!"
B: "Y/N? Do I look like a simp?"
Y/N: "No you look adorable."
B: "Aww!"


After a while people caught on. We still hadn't announced that we were dating. But Bryce and I decided to go out and get lunch so I got ready and we left. We ran into Fletcher as he filmed us answering his questions about our relationship.

F: "Hey Y/N, hey Bryce. How are you guys doing?"
B: "We're doing great!"
Y/N: "Hi! Im doing good how about you?"
F: "That's awesome.. I'm doing good too! So I have a couple questions.. How long have you known each other?"
B: "Umm... Ehh about 7 or 8 months.. Maybe a little more."
F: "I'm just going to go ahead and ask. Are you dating him.."

Y/N: "You see that's more on the sensitive topic. You know. Like more on the private subject"
B: "Yeah but! What do you think Fletcher?"
F: "I think you guys are!"

Bryce laughed and looked at me..

B: "Really? Well that was a good guess.. Im not saying you're right though.."
F: "Alright. So here for lunch?"
B: "Yeah we're just going to eat and hang out..."
F: "Y/N, so do you know what has been going on with Nessa, Josh, Charli, and Chase?"
Y/N: "Again that's a part of the sensitive topic. I'm not going to speak out for others. Im not going to talk about the actual situation. But I will say. We are all human. We make mistakes and we should forgive. We shouldn't judge and assume because that's where most people are wrong. They don't know the story.. The real. Actual story. So they shouldn't even be talking about it. And I'm not saying I am taking sides but I'm also not saying that only one of them should take full responsibility. Personally I feel that they all need to own up to their own side and their own mistakes instead of spreading lies."
F: "Really, yeah I agree with you."
Y/N: " Yeah, but on a good note.. I still love them all equally.. I love Nessa, I love Josh, I Charli, and I love Chase. I have no reason to be mad or upset. Its not my place to do so. So with that being said I love them all and people need to understand that the lies circling everyone's name just aren't true. No one knowns the truth except the people who were actually involved. And no one should pressure them for anything."


Bryce and I finished lunch and were greeted by fans outside the restaurant. We took pictures and headed back home.

~ 1 Month Later~

Bryce and I have been "secretly" dating for a month now. He started filming for a YouTube video and that was when we officially told everyone we were dating. At first Bryce and I were scared that people would hate us which would cause us to break up. But eventually we came to the conclusion that it wouldn't happen.

B: "So basically I couldn't find anything else to do so I'm filming. Oh wait Y/N come here."
Y/N: "What I'm eating blueberries. What?"

I walked over while eating blueberries. A big camera facing towards Bryce and I sat beside him and he just stared at the box of blueberries in my hand.

B: "Give me some blueberries now..."
Y/N: "Fine.. You see guys this is what he has me here for. No I'm just kidding."
B: "Okay you can put the blueberries away for a moment now. I'm trying to film."
Y/N: "No. You can film while I'm eating my blueberries.."
B: "Anyway- Okay just a few more blueberries and you done for like a few minutes that's it."
Y/N: "Fine. Okay. There. On a serious note though "
B: "We're dating.. Officially."
Y/N: "That was so anticlimactic. But anyway yes. Bryce and I are dating.. Is that it.."

I giggled as I looked at him. He finished filming and he got his editor to edit the video for him to upload for the week it took about a day to edit so Bryce uploaded it the next day.

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