Paparazzi Pt. 2

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Once I was done I walked out and all the boys were talking about that paparazzi Nessa and I were talking about last night. None of the boys really saw me except Josh. Josh quickly got and walked over to me pulling me into the kitchen.

Y/N: "Josh? What are you doing I-"
Jsh: "This is bad. Like terrible type of bad. Look"

Josh proceeded to show me a video of the same paparazzi that the boys were talking about, filming Blake and I kissing.... It was #6 on the YouTube trending list meaning tons of people watched it. Including Bryce..

Jsh: "Why were you kissing him?"
Y/N: "I wasnt trying to.. He forced me into kissing him he was the one who pulled me into a kiss."
Jsh: "But Bryce.. What are you going to do?"
Y/N: "I dont know I'm scared... I feel like I should talk to him but what if he doesn't want to talk to me"
Jsh: "I can make him.. Listen and he'll probably end up talking..."

Josh and I both came up with a plant. I went to Bryce's and Josh was going to call Bryce upstairs to check hid room for something and that's when I talk to him.. I hears Josh calling him from outside and I heard the door opening as soon as Bryce walked in I quickly tried locking the door so he wouldn't leave.

B: "What are you doing! I want to leave! Move!"
Y/N: "No! I'm not letting you go cause you need to listen to me. I need to talk to you"
B: "I don't want to talk to you! So Im leaving"
Y/N: "No Bryce! I know! I know you've been avoiding me all day cause you are mad at me for kissing Blake!"
B: "Can I just go... I really don't want to talk about this"
Y/N: "Please just listen to me! I am sorry that you saw me kissing him in that video. But I didn't want to kiss him. He force me into it. He kissed me and I was scared. I felt disgusted and I felt upset. I felt upset cause he wouldn't stop and I tried pushing him off. Trust me I tried. We were both drunk and honestly that's the one thing that I wish I forgot from last night but I can't. Its been scaring me and now you're mad at me cause that happened. I didnt even want to do it on purpose trust me!"
B: "Well what do you want me to think, huh? I just saw the girl that I like.. The girl that I want, kiss another person. I don't know what else I could've thought! It hurts! You kissed him and thats all I can think about"
Y/N: "No Bryce! I told you I didn't kiss him and even if wanted to kiss him, just understand I was drunk and I was an idiot last night just walking around. Besides.. You out of anyone should know I didn't mean to."
B: "But- I saw you two kiss! I am sorry but it HURTS!"
Y/N: "Fine then you want to tell you what does hurt! See the person you like kiss someone else on purpose right in front of you. Not once! And not twice! But multiple times. But I still forgave you! So why can't you let me tell you that I am sorry. And forgive me! I-
B: "I just need time. It hurts.."
Y/N: "Nevermind you know what its okay.. If you don't forgive me.. But let me be the first to leave the room"

Bryce and I didn't talk for the rest of the day. I went to hang out with Nessa and Mads at the mall. But i just wish that video of Blake and I wasn't posted because it almost ruined everything I had with Bryce and it just cause drama that no one needed.. And of course, on to more trouble with the paparazzi from last night. Fletcher. He found Nessa and I at the mall and he started following us.

~ Fletcher/F ~

F: "Hey Nessa how have you been"
N: "Hi I've been okay.."

Nessa and Mads were both trying to cover me from Fletcher. Hiding me so he would ask any questions. They both knew I didn't want to talk about it so they help a lot but regardless he still asked me questions over it.

F: "How about you Mads?"
M: "I've been great."

F: "And aren't you Y/N, people found your account on tiktok. You know I caught you and Blake kissing last night at the party.."
N: "She's not talking about the just so you know"

Nessa and Mads tried talking to him and get him away but he wouldn't stop. We tried walking off without being rude but it just not working

F: "Wait but the fans wanna know, who was Blake kissing."
M: "Yeah I'm sorry she isnt going speak on any of that"
F: "Okay. Well.. Would you do it again? Like kiss him?"
Y/N: "I am really sorry I'm not trying to be rude but I'm just not comfortable talking about that. Please don't.."
F: "Are you guys like a secret thing? Are you dating. It was causing up a lot of drama last night!"
N: "Just take my word for it. She doesn't want to speak on it and she's not going to. There aren't going to be any details told on the story."
M: "Speaking on the 'drama' there is no comment. For any of us. Im sorry we have to go.. Bye"
F: "Alright you guys have a good day."

We walked away and into a store full of people to loose track of him.

Y/N: "Thanks. To the both of you, I really didn't want to talk to him about it"
N: "No problem.. I mean I kind of figured.. After this morning with Bryce I didn't think you would want to talk about it. Come get your mind off of that. Here we can go get out nails done. I need to go change my acrylics anyway."

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