The boys||Pt. 2

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I did end up taking a shower and I got dressed. As soon as I got out Jaden got ready and I was nervous. Cause I knew I had to go down to meet the boys. I was nervous, since the first guy's impression wasn't so pleasing. I decided to ask Jaden how many people were down there. Just to get comfortable with the idea of having to meet them. Soon he held my hand and walked down. I was slowly walking with him following behind. When we got down everyone turned and stared at us. It got really uncomfortable so I slighted tugged on his arm. Trying to ask him what to do.

Jdn: "H-Hey guys.. This is, Y/N."
Y/N: "Hey..."
B: "I see what's going on here."

Bryce started laughing, slightly, staring at you and Jaden just as everyone questioned why.

Jsh: "Bro why are you laughing? What's so funny.."
B: "Dont you see? You know, I didn't tell anyone but earlier I was asking what Jaden wanted for breakfast and he had the door locked. And by the looks of it, it was cause he had a girl over. So what are you his little fuck girl?"
Jdn: "What the hell? Bryce quit being rude? Seriously?"
G: "Chill dude"
A: "Bro you don't even know that. She just got here. I'm sorry, Y/N, umm hey, I'm Anthony."

I felt awkward and upset that Bryce was saying that, but I didnt want to be rude and not answer Anthony so I slightly whispered a response back to him.

Y/N: "Hi.. Anthony"
Jsh: "That's fucked up Bryce. I'm sorry too Y/N. There is something wrong with him."
Y/N: "Its fine I understand... I guess"
Jdn: "Anyway, she is going to be here for a while. I found her earlier this morning when I went to drop Kio at the airport."
B: "You brought a fucking stranger into our fucking house? Are you guys going to tell me there is something wrong with me when Jaden is bringing a strange fucking girl into our house?!"
Jdn: "You can't say anything... You bring girls to our house every night to actuslly fuck. No one tells you anything and the second I bring a girl tjats just my friend you do that?"
Jsh: "Chill out damn..."
B: "What?! He went to the airport to leave Kio, Blake and Noah... and he comes back with a girl that he talked to for a couple of minutes. Tell me thats not fucked up. She could put us in danger. She could leak-"
Jdn: "Shut up! I dont even think she knows! Leave her alone."
B: "Why are you getting overprotective about her. You just fucking slept with her for one night and fucked her it doesnt mean you know her."
Jdn: "We didn't have sex okay! Quit being a fucking bitch! Tell me how many girls you brought last night though... Now you wont open your mouth will you"
Jsh: "Bro! Stop Bryce! You forget she is right here. Just leave them alone!"
A: "Damn, that's rude."
G: "Can you just shut up for a moment dude? Y/N didn't do anything to you."
B: "Whatever. I'm going to my room cause I'm not staying here with her near me. Tell me when the food is here..."
Jdn: "I'm so sorry Y/N. "
Y/N: "It's fine. Don't worry about it.. I'm leaving as soon as possible anyway it's not like I'm staying here."
Jdn: "No! You can stay as long as you want. You dont have to be in rush."
Y/N: "It just doesn't feel right. I mean, Bryce, he is already mad that I'm here so..."

While I was talking to Jaden I was interrupted by the knocking on the door from the food eveyone ordered.

Jdn: "Well fine we can talk about it later but right now you can eat! You cant tell me you don't like food.. Everyone does!"
Jsh: "Im sorry about earlier but what's you name again"
Y/N: "Y/N"
Jsh: "I'm Josh!"
Y/N: "And you're Anthony right?"
A: "Yep!"
G: "Griffin! That's me."
Jdn: "Here you can have my food. Kio and I had just ate in the morning before he got on the plane so, you can have my food."
Y/N: "Oh.... ummm, I know whenever I say this, it sounds.. Like I feel entitled. Which I'm not but it's just that I'm vegan...."
Jdn: "Wow you're vegan? Well you can eat the fruit bowl unless you want to order something else."
Y/N: "No it's fine, I'll just eat the fruit bowl."
G: "So, where are from? Or do you not want to tell us that?"
Y/N: "No it's fine, I am actually from Georgia. I used to live in a really small town. It was Rome, Georgia, I was there for more than half of my life, but then I moved to Atlanta, Georgia. "

They all had their unique behavior and attitude.. Everything was okay. They weren't rude and quite honestly they were all very nice and funny. They joke around a lot, and I really like the boys' way of doing things. In general, we all got along within the first few minutes of talking, and they certainly made me feel more comfortable. And Bryce. Anthony ended up taking his food to his room. And he never came down. The boys and I talked and I was having fun getting to know a little bit abiut them. But soon enough they had things to do, so once everyone finished eating they left to go back in their room or somewhere else.

Jdn: "Are you done eating?"
Y/N: "Yeah! I'm actually full with that which is weird cause Im not usually like that but yeah..."
Jdn: "Well you can come with me back to my room or you can just do whatever you want. It's up to you."
Y/N: "Oh, I'll just go with you. Besides I'm not exactly comfortable staying here by myself. I just need to throw this away and wash my hands I'll be up in a minute.."
Jdn: "Alright.."

I saw Bryce come out from his room to throw his trash away too, and as soon as I saw him I got scared. I quickly tried washing my hands, trying to avoid even looking at his direction.

B: "I know youre avoiding me!"
Y/N: "I-I'm sorry? I have to go. Bye."
B: "Why the hell did you come here?"
Y/N: "What do you mean?"
B: "Why are you here? You shouldn't be here. Jaden has things to do and so far you are distracting him. He has a job and you are not helping being here just leave. You arent staying here!"
Y/N: "Im not one to approach someone and be rude when I don't know them but, no one said I was staying here. I'm sorry that I'm here but don't worry I'll be leaving as soon as possible for both of our sakes. I just hope you know that I don't have any negative intentions."

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