Rockstars Bestfriend

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⚠️Trigger Warning: In this chapter there will be references of self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Do not keep reading if you're affected by any of these topic.⚠️

❤If you are in emotional distress or suicidal crisis, you are not alone. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 to speak with a trained counselor. It's free, confidential, and available 24/7.❤



He signals me to go with him to give him a high five and then he hugs me.

T: "Cant wait to start you're music career!!"

I stayed with Jaden, Colson, and Travis for the last few hours of being in the studio. When Jaden was about to leave it was 4:28 pm. Before we left Travis talked with me and asked if I wanted to schedule a time so that we could get to know each other and make music.

T: "Here just let me know when you want to do something. Okay? Here is my phone number."
Y/N: "Okay. Thank you! Bye! Bye Colson!"
Jdn: "Colson can you hand me my jacket. Thanks Bye. Next week?"
C: "Yeah! Bye"

We walked to the car and it started raining.

Jdn: "Do you me to take you back to Sway?"
Y/N: "No.. Can I stay with you and Josh?"
Jdn: "Yeah! Definitely."

I facetimed Bryce to let him know I was staying with Jaden just so he wouldn't worry.

Jaden's POV:

Y/N: "Hey Bryce... I was just calling to let you know I am staying with Jaden and Josh"
B: "Oh okay! How did it go in the studio though?"
Y/N: "Oh yeah!! So basically that person that I told you was going to talk to Travis ended up signing me up with Travis' Record Label!!"
B: "Really I am so happy for you..."

Bryce kept talking and all I was thinking about was how was I going to let Y/N stay with us.. I didn't want to make her stay in my room because I things happen when I'm alone..

Your POV:

We got to the house and I noticed Jaden was looking a little bit anxious.. Like he was worried or something. So I asked him if everything was alright.

Y/N: "Hey.. Jaden?"
Jdn: "Y-yeah?"

Shakiness in his voice?

Y/N: "What's wrong? Are you okay? Is everything alright?"
Jdn: "Yea-yeah every- thing is okay."
Y/N: "Okay.. Do you need anything? Or do you just want space"
Jdn: "Space... I-I guess.."

I understood.. and walked away. I decided to go with Josh. I found him in his room playing fortnite with Griffin, Kio, Vinnie, Q, Noah, Blake and Anthony.

Jsh: "Hi Y/N.."
Y/N: "Hey! Im hanging out with you.."
Jsh: "Alright! Wanna play?"
Y/N: "Sure."
Jsh: "Hey guys? Y/N's going to play."
Y/N: "I've only played this a couple times so don't judge me."

I started playing and Josh began setting up his tripod filmed a tiktok and posted it. Then he went on Instagram and went live. Eventually it was getting to be 11 at night. I walked outside Josh's room to get a drink and some snacks for Josh and I when I heard something strange from Jaden's room. I got closer and it sounded like he was crying. I knocked on the door and he stopped.

Y/N: "Im coming in.. Okay..?"
Jdn: "No-no leave please."

I would've listened if had told me sooner but I was already inside by the time he said that.

Y/N: "Jaden! What's happening? Don't cry..."
Jdn: "Jus-j-just go.."
Y/N: "No.. Here come on get up please."

⚠️Trigger Warning: Skip to the next warning if you are affected by suicidal and self harm references⚠️

I found him sitting up against his wall with his knees pulled up to his chest, and his head buried in between. So I pulled him up by his arms.. and he winced a little. Then I realized he cut his wrists... I could see a few blood stains on his shirt so I lightly let go of my grasp. I decided not to talk about it in that instant.. He was already dealing with a lot of pressure and I didn't want to add on to that... So the least I could do was hug him and listen to him..

Y/N: "It's okay Jaden. Alright...? Everything will be alright. Its okay. Don't cry Jaden."

He instantly hugged me back and with a tighter grip. I could tell he needed that. He needed someone there.

Jdn: "I-I cant do it an-anymore! It h-hurts to much!"

⚠️Trigger Warning: Ends here⚠️

Even though I didn't know what he was talking about. I decided not to ask questions and just be a good friend and help him feel better.

Y/N: "Its okay Jaden.. I'm here. I'm right here. That's what best friends are for.. I'm not going to leave you until you feel better."

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