The New Guy

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TenTen's *POV*

"Once, a family went to camp in the woods. They were a family with one 6 year-old daughter. The next morning, the father told his family they were going fishing. In their way to the river an earthquake happened and the daughter got separated from her parents. After the earthquake stopped, she hid under a tree and started crying for hours. When she woke up she found herself in the arms of a boy. That boy had a red scarf. When they arrived to town, there was no one and the man told her to stay until someone came. The little girl responded: -"Thank you, my hero in the red scarf" - and he vanished. some minutes later, a man came and took care of her."

"No one has ever seen him though"

Narrator's *POV*

After TenTen finished telling the story, soon it was recess time and all the students went to the food court to get their food. They all sat down in tables and as always sakura was eating alone.

Ino's *POV*

"Oh my god girls did you saw the new guy?" Whispering started in all the table. "Some people say he's poor" - "yeah look at his clothes" - "Why does he even have a mask covering his face?"

Everyone in the table started to giggle and to laugh. While the new guy didnt actually care.

He saw sakura sitting there all alone and decided to acompany her.

Kakashi's *POV*
I had my food already but i didnt know where to have a sit. I saw a girl. With light pink hair, and beautiful green eyes. She was gorgeus. Since she was alone I went and sat beside her.

There was a moment of silence. She didnt say a word. After she finished, she stood up and went to the classroom. I didnt said a word either. I just let her go.

A while after, i finished and I heard something, a girl screaming...

Sakura's *POV*

Who was this guy. He just sat beside me and said nothing.

Oh, shit! Kiba! He will bully me again wont he? I'll just walk and  hope he wont notice me...

"Hey forhead! Were are you going?"

"Kiba leave me alone!"

"What did you say bitch!?" He grabbed my arm violently. I screamed a little. "Stop!"

Kakashi's *POV*
I was running, I could find her. I looked everywhere. Untill i find her with some guys around her. They were holding her violently. I went there and grabbed Kiba's wrist.

"Hey man! Chill! Let go of my wrist" Kiba said.

"Stop bothering her. Or else, im going to break your wrist"

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