Chapter 3

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Jordan's party was fun. From what I can remember. I remember drinking a lot. I remember seeing Nicole there. That's about it.

I woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar room. I looked around the room trying to figure out where exactly I was. I felt someone's arm around my waist. Slowly, I looked to my side to find Jordan but he was shirtless. No...... We couldn't have. Could we? I wrapped the blanket around me before I attempted to wake Jordan up.

"Jordan wake up"


"Jordan wake up" I said louder this time. And this time he heard me. He opened his eyes and looked at me before screaming.

"AAAHHHHH" and he fell off the bed. I sat up when I heard the thud it made. I heard him move around on the floor before getting up but this time he had his boxers on.

"Did we.......?" Jordan asked, I just shrugged my shoulders.

"You don't remember anything?" I ask hoping he does.

"No, you?" He asked. I shook my head then let out a massive groan falling back on the bed but with a tight grip on the blanket.

"I slept with my mates sister" Jordan said while pacing around the room.

"I slept with my friend. Wait? We're friends too" I said, pretending to be offended, before grabbing my clothes and getting changed under the covers.

"I met Harry first."

"Only by a few hours."

When I was done getting changed, I got out of bed and Jordan was now changed to.

"Well, I've never done that with you before. What are we going to do?" Jordan asked.

"We pretend this never happened and we go back to the house. Harry's probably worried about me" I said before Jordan nodded and I walked out of his bedroom.

His flat was a mess. I tried to tidy up a little bit for Jordan before he came out of his room. I get to half a black bag full when Jordan comes out of his room.

"Maddie, you didn't have to clean up" Jordan said. He sounded guilty and looked it.

"I wanted to" I replied.

The car ride to the mansion was awkward. Neither of us spoke for a while because neither of us knew what to say. Eventually, I broke the silence.

"What am I going to tell Harry" Jordan looked confused "What am I going to say when we get there?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll do the talking" Jordan said.

"You can't tell them we had s.... you know. Harry would flip."

"Don't worry, I won't tell" Jordan said while pulling into the driveway. We both got out the car and walked into the house.

"GUYS! WHERE COULD SHE BE?" Was the first thing we heard when we entered the out.

"Harry man, calm down" it sounded like Dominic but I could tell all of the guys were there.

Me and Jordan both walked into the kitchen to find everyone sat there worried. Sam saw me first and walked practically sprinted over to hug me.

"You had us worried sick" he said before letting me breathe again. Harry then saw me and ran over to me to hug me, then checking me for bruises. I'm surprised he didn't find the hickey I was trying to hide with me hair.

"Harry, she fell asleep in my guest room. I found her this morning" Jordan said but everyone just stared at us so I went along with the story.

"I wasn't feeling well and I knew you would tell me off if I went home by myself so I went to go find one of you but I couldn't so I just crashed in the guest room. Sorry for scaring you guys."

"Don't worry about it" Tom said. I nodded and head up to my room. I hopped into the shower to hopefully clear my mind but it only made me think about last night even more.


I was roughly thrown against the wall when a pair of lips attacked my neck, where there was now a hickey.

"Jordan" I moaned, as it was the alcohol talking. Probably.

"We are going to have some fun" he said before picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck until he pushed me onto his bed.


At least I can remember something. I thought as I quickly jumped out of the shower and getting changed into cleaning clothes.

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