Chapter 5

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Everyone then left Sam's room so he could finish his sandwich. We all went down stairs and into the living room to watch some TV. Me and Jordan sat on the sofa and I cuddled up to him. Harry gave us a death stare from the sofa next to us but only I noticed so I put my middle finger up at him so no one would notice.

I looked up at Jordan and only then realised that his nose was bleeding. I stood up and everyone looked really confused. I hoped Jordan didn't think I had changed my mind. I ran to the kitchen and opened a cupboard. I ran back to the living room with a First Aid kit in my hand. I sat back down next to Jordan and put the First Aid kit next to me so I could get the wipes.

I went to wipe the blood off his face but he leaned backwards so I couldn't reach.
"Come here" I said but he didn't listen. I decided in my head that the best thing for me to do is to pin him down. I straddled my legs around his waist and pushed one of my hands into his chest to keep him down.

"Could you not" Harry said. Everyone then started to look at us.

"You had to pin him down. So do I" I replied.

Harry looked angry but quickly tried to calm himself down. I wiped the blood off of Jordan's face. When I was done, I swung my leg over him and stood up again. I took the First Aid kit back were I found it.

When I came back into the living room, all attention was on the TV, probably because they wanted to forget what just happened. I sat down next to Jordan again and watched the TV.

A few minutes later, Dominic and Finn came home. I didn't even realise they had gone out. They shouted, "Honey, we're home" but no one moved from the sofa. A few seconds later, they shouted, "we brought pizza."

All the boys, except for Jordan, jumped up and ran to the kitchen while I just laughed at them. I stood up and could tell Jordan was following me. I was about to get to the door when someone spun me around and softly pushed me against the wall and started to kiss me. I instantly kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. We were pulled out of our intimate moment by six boys laughing and joking around. I pulled away from him and smiled.

"We should go get some pizza before it all gone" I said, he just smiled and nodded at me. "So you said you've liked me for a while?"

"Shut up. We'll talk later."

We walked into the kitchen and all attention was immediately turned to us as I reached for some pizza in the middle of the island, Jordan grabbed my waist and did the same. I leaned my arms on the island in the middle of the kitchen while Jordan leaned his arm on the island but had his arm around me at the same time. Dom and Finn looked at us really confused.

"How come Harry hasn't killed Jordan yet" Dom said from across the island.

"He tried to" Sam said.

"He's ok with it now" I said, then I looked over at him and he looked a bit angry, "kind of"

"Well we're happy for you both" Finn said. Me and Jordan looked at each other and smiled.

We joked around more while quickly devouring the pizza. I was hungry especially since I hadn't eaten all day.

"Who wants to loose at FIFA" I said after finishing my last slice.

"You're on" Harry said sounding to confident.

We both ran back into the living room. Harry ran round the sofa but I jumped over it. By the time we had our controllers the others had come in and started to sit down and watch.

Full time. I won 7-3.

"Who's next" I said and Dom volunteered. Harry passed him the controller and we started a new game.

During the game, it was a draw 3-3, Jordan decided to kiss my cheek. I think he meant it to be encouraging but it was just distracting. Just then, Dom scores a goal. I wasn't very happy. In the end I beat him 5-4 but barely. I passed the controller to Sam so that him and Tom could play. I wrapped my arms around Jordan's neck and rested my head on his shoulder so I could still watch the game.

We played video games for hours until Finn realised what the time was so we all went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up to someone kissing my forehead. My eyes fluttered open and stared into his eyes.

"So you've liked me for a while, huh" I said. He thought that I had forgot he said that but I didn't. I kissed him softly. "I like you too"

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