Chapter 36

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My Instagram and Twitter have blew up. I don't really know what to do. Everyone at Uni knows and it's really weird. But it kills me that I'm still in London. As we get closer to the fight, I get more and more worried.

We were having our friends round for a bit of a movie night tonight and I was excited. I live in a student house with Willow, Emily and Erin still and they have been watching the build up to the fight with me.

Coming round was Charlotte, Esmé, Joe and Aston. I couldn't go without making at least one guy friend.

Joe's POV

"So Aston, how's the girlfriend?" Willow asked being her usual nosey self.

"Good. I really like her." Aston says.

Everyone is in a big group conversation but I can't help but notice that Maddie has disappeared. I sneak away down the hall and go to Maddie's room to see if she is there. I knock and the door and slowly enter.

I see her in a small ball on her bed. She looks as if she is about to burst out into tears. I could guess what she was upset about but I knew she would deny it unless she admitted it herself. I climb onto her bed and hug her.

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong. I'm here for you no matter what."

"Thanks, Joe." She slowly sits up and leans against the backboard and I do the same. "I'm just.... what if? know...urgh!" She takes a few breaths before she continues.

"I'm scared. Everyone knows about me and Jordan now and now he's about to do one of the hardest things in his life and I can't be there for a few more weeks. Everyone at school is driving me crazy and I just don't know what to do anymore." She cried. I pull her into a hug that lasts a few minutes before we finally pull away.

"Thank you"

"Hey, what's the gay best friend for?"


Maddie's POV


School is over. I graduated and I'm going back to America finally. I walk into the airport luggage in hand. I go through all of security and stuff, look around some of the shops and finally board the plane.

When the plane lands, I try to get off as soon as I possibly can. I was one of the firsts to get off and instantly go to baggage claim. Once I get my luggage, I practically ran out of the airport.

When I get out the doors, I'm met with very familiar faces that I haven't seen in real life for too long. You would think we would get sick of each other considering how much time we spend together but these boys were my family. I ran over to them dropped my luggage on the floor and jumped into my boyfriends arms.

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you too, Mads."

We were having a nice moment until we hear coughing behind us.

"Hi. We missed you too" Sam said. I jog over to them and we all have a big group hug. We jump in the car and drive to the house we were staying in.

The house was massive

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The house was massive. Much bigger than our house in London and definitely bigger than my tiny student house. There was a pool room, a piano, a bar inside and outside, multiple pools, a gym, a cinema room, etc.

After I unpacked, all we did the rest of the day was swim in the pool, eat dinner and then watch movies in the cinema room. Jordan did his daily training but that was all we did. After that we went to bed to then wake up the next day and probably have the same day.

It was nice to wake up in bed with company

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It was nice to wake up in bed with company. It's been so long since we've seen each other. With Jordan training all the time and everyone else here, it's rare when we got some alone time together.

As the days went on, my bathing suits became slightly more revealing

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As the days went on, my bathing suits became slightly more revealing. It was only so Harry would be pissed because if I wore a bikini on the first day, he would have flipped but if I do it in stages, I can wear what ever I want.

Sam was doing some vlogging today and basically followed everyone around

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Sam was doing some vlogging today and basically followed everyone around. He followed me to the gym to watch me coach Jordan, he followed me to the pool and the bar. He followed other people and what they did that day, and actually managed to get a video out of it. He did a prank on some of the boys as well that was also in the video which was pretty funny. Other than that we didn't do much. Now all we were doing was preparing for the fight.

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