Chapter 23

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*A week later*

I'm looking for Nicole but I can't find her anywhere. I have a secret that I can only tell her. For now. But I need her help first desperately. After searching for about half an hour, I finally found her.

"Could you drive me somewhere?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure. Where do you need to go and why can't you drive?" She asked me.

"I don't have a car and if I borrowed Jordan's or Harry's they are going to ask me we're I am going"

"Ok but where are we going?" She asked but I didn't tell her. We got in the car and I told her I would give her directions.

20 minutes later

"Why are we at the hospital?" Nicole asked me. I just got out of the car and started walking to the entrance. When I didn't answer her, she decided to follow me.

"You don't have to come in with me."

"Maddie, what is going on?" She looked really concerned as she stopped me outside the entrance.

"We're about to find out"

She definitely figured it out when we got to a certain part of the hospital. We waited in the waiting room awkwardly not saying a word to each other until my name was called.

We go through and I tell the doctor what was going on so they told me to pee in a cup and then lie back down on the bed afterwards.

"You are pregnant" the doctor told us. I couldn't believe it. I'm way to young. They turn on the ultrasound so I could see.

"How far along am I?" I had to ask.

"It looks almost 3 months" the doctor said and I definitely knew I couldn't keep it. I'm not having my rapists baby.

The doctor gives us an minute so me and Nicole could talk. Before the doctor couldn't even leave, I was in tears.

"I can't have this baby" I said with tears streaming down my face.

"I mean Jordan might think that it's his" she says to try and cheer me up.

"And when the baby doesn't come out as mixed race, then what am I going to do?" I was feeling a mix between anger and shittiness.
"I want to have an abortion"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm not having the baby of someone who raped me."

She went to tell the doctor and explained why knowing that I didn't want to talk about it. I got an appointment for two days time. In the mean time, I just had to pretend I wasn't pregnant.

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