Chapter 22

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*One and a half months later*

I feel so much better than I did a few weeks ago. I'm sleeping, I moved back to the mansion. Still not into my room but baby steps. But I can walk in that room now without breaking down.

Jordan went to the police about the threatening letter and the tape and told them his girlfriend had been raped. He didn't tell them who I was because he didn't want people harassing me. A private investor was assigned to the case so no news outlets would find out.

I wrote down everything I knew about Ryan, my ex, and what happened during our 'relationship' and gave it to the police. They needed more evidence though and we didn't have any.

*A week later*

Me and Jordan where sitting in bed talking when I get a phone call from an unknown number. I told Jordan to record the phone call. I answer it and put it on speaker phone.

'You haven't done as I've asked. You've just been camping out with your boy toy and clingy brother.'

'What do you want?'

'I've told you what I want. (laughs) Is it me?'


'I guess it's true what they say then. Once you go black you never go back. Your boyfriends black dick isn't going to protect you forever'

'What makes you think that?'

'You can't change a fuck boy that quickly and then expect a committed relationship'

Jordan did not have a happy face but neither did I.

'What's your point?'

'I'm just saying, If your going to fuck someone, don't just do it with someone who can only make you richer'

'Piss off'

'No not yet. You never know when I'm going to come for you. No wonder you've been so scared these past few months'

'Fuck you' i was failing at holding back the tears as they were just falling.

'That's more like it. I'll be waiting' and he hung up then Jordan stopped recording.

"Screw him. I would never leave you" he said and pulled me in for a hug. I buried my head in his chest as tears fell down my face but I wasn't really crying. The tears just fell for some reason.

"I know. I know he's just trying to get in my head but I won't let him" Jordan looks at me like he was really proud of me. I huge smile was on his face which made me smile too.

"I love you, Mads"

"I love you too" I said back and kissed him. 

It was only meant to be a quick kiss but once I started, I couldn't stop. The kiss was addictive and I just wanted more. I straddled myself across his lap as the kiss deepened. That's when clothes started to disappear.

Considering it was my first time since, I was fine. I didn't freak out or anything.

Forget me posting every 2 days. It will probably be every day now.

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