Chapter 14

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*A few weeks later*

My sister was coming to London today since her birthday is tomorrow. I'm excited to see her but nervous to see how she will react when she comes here. She hasn't seen the guys since they first started YouTube. I'm worried the fan girl in her will kick in.

I had a morning shift at the cafe so my mum was going to drop her off there. She arrived at about noon which is when my shift ended. A few minutes later, Harry arrived. She told me about all of her school drama.

" Liam cheated on you but now you like Joe and he says he likes you but doesn't want to be in a relationship right now?" I recaptured what Rosie told me were her past 2 months.

"Yes! Confusing right?"

"So, have you got any plans for Easter?" Harry asked Rosie.

"No not really. I think I'll just hang out with my friends most of the time. But first I want to spend as much time with you both as possible."

We eventually left the cafe and went to the mansion. I forgot that Rosie has never been to the mansion before. We walk into the mansion and Rosie's mouth drops to the floor. None of the guys were downstairs so I assumed they were in their rooms. We gave Rosie a tour of the downstairs and got some food from the kitchen before going up to the second floor.

We pointed out who's room was who's as we passed them. We listened to the doors to see if anyone wasn't recording but they all sounded busy so we went to the third floor. I showed her my room which is where she will be staying. While she dropped of her bag, I ran over to Sams room to see if he was recording. I couldn't here him so I knocked on the door.
As I entered, I saw he was eating a sandwich.

"Last time we were in this situation you told me something I didn't want to know." Sam said before I could say anything.

"No, it's nothing like that. My sister is here" I said. He got up out of his chair and came to see my sister.

As soon as Rosie saw Sam, she started to freak out. I told her to calm down and she'll forget they are even famous soon.

After most of the guys had finished work, we decided to watch a movie. Jordan was the last person to come downstairs and when he did he sat next to me. On the other side of me was my sister and brother. Not going to lie, it's weird to think that 12 people where staying in this house tonight. Jordan put his arm around me, I turned my head and kissed him.

"PG" all of the boys shouted at us so I just leaned into him and carried on watching the movie.

After the movie, Rosie and Jordan got to see each other properly since they hadn't seen each other in about 2 or 3 years. Rosie asked him fan questions and Jordan got to know Rosie a bit more. They seemed to get on which made me relieved. 

The next day was my sisters 16th Birthday; we had a party at the mansion. I say a party but really it was just us. Rosie was wearing an outfit we had bought earlier that day with the rest of the girls while the guys were doing god knows what.

We played games and danced and all sorts of things. Harry did give her a talk though now that she is legally allowed to have sex which I had to save her from. The party turned out really good and we all had fun.

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