Chapter 8

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*One week later*

I woke up to a familiar embrace. I instantly smiled. My eyes fluttered open and looked up to see his face. I rested my head back on his bare chest and wrapped my arm around his waist while he played my my hair.

"How long have you been awake" I asked. He didn't say anything so I looked up at him again.

"Not long. Just a few minutes but I didn't want to wake you" he said with his deep morning voice. I leaned into him for a quick kiss be he had other ideas. He rolled us over so that I was on my back and he was on top of me. He pulled away from the kiss.

"What do you want to do today. I'm pretty sure everyone else is working but I got ahead so I could spend time with you" he said before kissing me again.

"I don't know. We could watch a movie" I suggested.

"Yeah sure"

We both got changed and then headed down stairs to get breakfast and then watch the movie. Jordan chose a horror movie because he knows I like horror movies even though he is terrified of them. The whole time he was holding me so close, I couldn't breathe sometimes. Towards the end of the movie, he got a phone call and went to take it outside while I continued to watch the movie.

There was a 'scary part' of the movie and I hear something scream like a little girl behind me. I looked behind me to find Harry and Tom looking petrified.

"What's up, babies" I said mocking them.

"Where's Jordan?" Tom asked.

"He's outside on the phone. Why?" He didn't answer me and just walked out of the living room and I'm assuming went outside.

"What are you watching?" Harry asked me.

"Scream" I answered. "What is wrong with you boys. It's not scary. It's only a psycho boy and his friend trying to kill there friends and then framing it on his girlfriends dad but it goes horrible wrong and they end up killing each other instead. What is your problem?"

"The friend get electrocuted"

"Yeah so?"

"It's psychotic"

"That's the point. It's like what Randy says. There are rules to survive in a horror movie. Don't drink alcohol. Don't have sex and never say you will be right back because you will not be right back. Bare that in mind and it's very predictable." I said and he looked at me like a was a weirdo.

"Yes but Billy said that horror movies make psychos more creative. Is there something your not telling us?"

"Come on. No. I'm like Randy. I like to watch horror movies. The only difference is that he's a virgin and I'm not."

"Didn't need to know that. Especially from my little sister."

"We're the same age, for god sake"

"You're still younger than me though" he said and then left me to my movie just a Sidney shot Billie in the head. Great. I missed the good bits. Jordan came in after the movie was finished.

"Sorry I missed the end of the movie" he said.

"Are you?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"No. How can you watch that?" He asked.

"Harry thinks I'm a psychopath" I said and Jordan became very weary. "I'm not so you can calm down."

We spent the rest of the day together on the sofa, occasionally venturing off for food and just talked and enjoying each other's company for the rest of the time until the other boys decided to either come home or out of there rooms. After dinner, we played more video games and then went to bed.

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