Chapter 33

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Maddie's POV

I was sitting in the kitchen by my self on my phone minding my own business. I was just scrolling through Instagram and said Happy Birthday to one of my friends at Uni. There were 2 weeks left until Summer so I was excited.

Jordan walks in and stands behind me wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder.

"What's up?"

"You're coming to Vegas with us cause it's gonna be fun and I can't leave you here alone."


"Next summer. Me and the boys have to film a few things but other than that, we'll just be having fun together in Vegas."

"Oooo, could we go shooting in the dessert?"

"Maybe. I'm not sure if I trust you with a gun." I pull away from him and look at him weird. He knew what I was thinking. "Not because you'll be a bad shot, because you'll be too good of a shot. Plus I'd rather you not being in jail for killing someone on your kill list."

"Ok first of all I don't have a kill list......anymore. Secondly, I won't go to jail if I don't get caught. Think about it. There are mainly male serial killers, why? Because women don't get caught. I guarantee that every women has a place to hide a body, plus they can get the blood out of their clothes quickly."

"You're insane"

"You love me anyway"


We flew to Vegas straight after we came back for Uni a year later. I was so excited and clearly everyone else was too. When we landed, we got our bags from baggage claim and then headed to the exit of the airport. We hopped into a few cabs to take us to the hotel.

When we arrived at MGM Grand, we checked in and instantly went up to see what they looked like. We were staying in penthouses all next to each other.

Penthouse 1:          Penthouse 2:
Me                    Emma 
Jordan.               Jack
Emily               Sam
Willow                Caitlyn
Nicole                Dom
Tom                   And his GF (Charlotte)

Penthouse 3:
And his GF (Esmé)

Charlotte and Esmé also go to our Uni and we were all really close. I introduced them to the boys and things seem to be going well these past few months so I was happy.

It was the morning when we arrived so we were all really tired. We all went and took a nap since we were probably all going to get drunk tonight anyway.


I was right. We're were all mildly tipsy after a few drinks at the bar at the hotel. We decided we should go out and explore since we were in Vegas. And what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

We went to a few different bars and walked through a casino but none of us really felt like gambling. We were walking down a street trying to find something fun for us to do. Some people were vlogging some of the night.

I had a song in my head and I started to hum it to myself. That turned into me singing the song. Harry knew I was singing a Melanie Martinez song after growing up with me playing a bunch of her songs full blast in my room.

"Why are you singing CryBaby?" Harry asked me.

"Because it's a great song and Melanie Martinez is the best"

I continue singing the song.

'They call you CryBaby, CryBaby

But you don't fucking care'

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