Chapter 10

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*2 weeks later*

The video again was a huge success. This video was more of a game though. It was 4 a-side but we made it work. I was on a team with Tom, Sam and Harry and the other team was Dom, Finn, Jordan and Jack. The video was edited and a few days after filming it, it was on YouTube.

We were all happy with how it turned out and it was a lot of fun. I've been friends with all of them for years but it was a good bonding experience.

A few days after the video, we were all just playing some video games in the living room when I get a phone call from my sister. I answered it. And she told me some shocking news.

"WHAT?" I shouted. I think I scared Jordan because he jumped a little.

"I'll call you back" I said before hanging up and looking at the news on my phone. I scrolled down until I saw an article about Jordan. I read it to my self and the boys could tell I was worried.

"What's wrong, Baby girl?" Jordan asked. I shoved my phone in his face and he read the article. "Shit" he said under his breath and stood up of the sofa and dragged me upstairs to his room.

"What do we do?" I asked him.

"We do nothing. We definitely can't confirm it." I looked at the article again. 'Is YouTube Star Jordz dating Harry's sister?' was the headline. I strolled further down and there were pictures from all three of the videos I was in but one caught my attention from the football match we had.


It was a close game. Jordan had the ball and was running towards the goal. My team wasn't doing anything to stop him so I tackled him. Before I could run with the ball, Jordan wrapped is arms around my waist picked me up and swung me around.


That part was deleted from the video for this exact reason but someone must had took a picture of it. I walked over to Jordan and showed him the picture.

"We will just have to be more careful" he said. "Who called you?"

"Rosie. She watched the video and then saw the article. She likes to keep tabs on Harry because he's so far away but I guess now she's doing it to me too"

"It's nice that she cares but also kind of creepy" he said. He hugged me tightly to ensure that I was ok. "We will just have to be more careful"

"What am I going to tell her?" I asked.

"You can tell her the truth as long as she doesn't tell anybody"

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