Chater 13

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*A few days later*

Today is the day. The day I tell my parents. Or the day I tell my sister to then tell my parents. Why was I so nervous? Probably because I didn't want our relationship to be leaked. Harry said he would FaceTime them with me though which made me feel a lot better.

The call started and greeted each other and told each other how much we missed them. They told us about what was going on at home and Harry told them about what was going on in his life.

"But enough about me, Maddie has some news she would like to share with you all" Harry said then looked at me way to happy with himself.

"Thanks for the support" I muttered. "Umm yeah, I guess I should just say it. But you have to promise NOT TO TELL ANYONE" I said very slowly so the understood I was being deadly serious. They all nodded at me so I took a deep breath. "I am in a relationship with Jordan but you can't tell anyone"

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can't believe this, someone pinch me" Rosie said as the fan girl in her kicked in. "Why do we have to keep it a secret?"

"Because we want a normal relationship. We don't need people stalking us on the internet and getting in the way" I answered and they understood.

"Can I ask how long you have been dating because there have been rumours?" Rosie asked me.

"Umm, just over 2 months" I said quietly so they could barely hear me.

"WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Rosie shouted and hung up.

"We're happy for you Maddie" my dad said "Harry I hope you didn't beat him up"

"Oh, you know him so well. That's the first thing he did when he found out"

"I'm not proud of it, ok? And I said I was sorry." Harry said when I got a text off Rosie.


'Sorry for leaving the call. I was just in a bit of shock. I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to come and see you. I've asked mum and dad if I could come down to you for my birthday and they agreed so I will see you in a few weeks. Sorry again. Luv u. Bye xx'

We talked to our parents for a few more minutes before hanging up and going down stairs. No one was there so I went back upstairs and into Jordan's room. He was editing a video so I lay down on his bed to think. I couldn't think of much to think about so I just ended up thinking about Jordan. I didn't notice I was staring at him until he pulled me out of my thoughts.

"You ok?" He asked softly.

"Yeah, just thinking" I said. He nodded his head "I told them."

"You did? What did they say?" He said. His full attention was now on me.

"They are all very happy for us. Rosie freaked out a bit but she's ok now I think. And before I told them, I told them they couldn't tell anyone"

"Ok. Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me. I shook me head and told him to go back to work.

A few minutes pass and Jordan is still editing and I'm still on his bed. I get up and Jordan looks at me really confused. I go into his walk in wardrobe and I find one of his hoodies and put it on. When I walk out of his wardrobe to lie on his bed again, he laughs at me.

"What?" I asked him. I was really confused about why he was laughing.

"You look cute but it's massive" he says and pulls me closer to him before I can lie down. He grabs my waist and sits me down on his lap as I wrap my arms around his neck. "I forget how small you are."

"Or you're just big" I suggested.

"Well where else am I suppose to keep all this muscle" he said while flexing and I laughed at him. "Seriously though it is muscle."

"I know" I said to him and rested my head on his shoulder. "I also know get really annoyed when people say otherwise"

"Because you know me so well" he said sarcastically.

"Yes I do. Your forgetting I've known you for 7 years" I said before kissing him and jumping of his lap. I went down stairs to get so food and minutes later, Jordan came down and joined me.

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