Chapter 11

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*A month later*

Jordan was going to be on the news so I had to wake him up really early so he could be there on time. It was 4:30 when I attempted to wake him up. It wasn't working so I called for backup. Me, Harry, Dom and Finn all jumped on his bed and shook him to wake him up.

Eventually he woke up but barely. He was still half asleep when the boys left the room. He pulled me close to him for a cuddle and tried to go back to sleep but I wouldn't let him.

At 6:00, I was driving into the studio where the interview was taking place. I dropped him off and drove back home. I got home at 7:00 and went into the kitchen for breakfast. Everyone was awake now and Nicole, Caitlyn and Emma were there. Emma was sat on Jacks lap at the table and Caitlyn was sat on Sam's. Nicole was by the Fridge and when she saw me she gave a big hug. We all talked until it was time to watch Jordan on the news.

I sat down in between Harry and Nicole. The interview was going really well until it got to a question about his girlfriend.

"Are you dating your friends sister?" the host asked. 

"Me and Maddie are just really close friends and we have been for years. She has been living with us for a while and been in some videos but that's it." Jordan said as his response.

"But do you have a girlfriend?" the host asked.

"I do have a girlfriend but I'm not going to tell you who she is" he said.

After the interview, the boys decided to play video games and the girls watched. When Dom and Finn where half way through a FIFA match, Nicole stood up grabbed my arm and dragged me into the kitchen.

"Are you dating Jordan?" she asked me straight up. "Don't bullshit me here either. I've only been back for a day but I can tell that you seem a lot happier than usual"

"Fine we are but you can't tell anyone, ok?" I admitted. "Haven't told my parents or Rosie yet and we don't want to be one of those celebrity couples, we want to have a normal relationship."

"Ok, I won't tell but you do have to tell you parents"

"I know" I said before my phone rang. It was Jordan asking me to pick him up. "I have to go, I'll be back in about and hour."

After I picked up Jordan, I dropped him home and then went to work. The guys said I didn't have to work but I insisted on paying my share of the taxes.

Occasionally, people recognise me from my being in some videos with the guys which was very strange. I got a few questions about me and Jordan but I just said that we are just friends. Today though, my boss called me into her office.

"Why do people keep recognise you and ask you all these questions?" she asked.

"Oh, it's because my brother and his friends are famous YouTubers and I've been in a few of there videos."

"That doesn't explain the questions though" she asked because she was definitely confused.

"Some of there fans think that I'm dating my brothers friend"

"Is that that thing I saw this morning on the news"


"Ok well you better get back, there is a line forming and Willow can't do it by herself. I stand up and go back behind the counter to help Willow. A few hours later, I was back home.

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