Chapter 37

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The day of the fight was insane. J was in the gym when I woke up which was strange because normally I wake up first. He didn't seem nervous, he seemed really energetic and prepared. The broadcast for the fight started at 5 and we had to be there by 12 so we had a few hours.

I made us avocado on toast for breakfast to give him energy from the carbs and vitamins from the avocado which he was grateful for.

We drive to the event and get there around on time. We were met with a few fans while going in but their weren't that many. I think that is one of the reasons we came super early.

I don't understand how he is so chill about this while I'm really nervous

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I don't understand how he is so chill about this while I'm really nervous. I don't doubt him but anything can happen. On top of that, I have the daunting task of being his coach and girlfriend which is hard to do both as they are telling me different things.

The event was packed full of people all waiting for the fight to start. At the beginning of the event someone Alex knew sang a song and someone Jordan knew had to do the same. Jordan asked me and Erin to sing a mix of 3 of Melanie Martinez's songs from K-12. (I made him watch the movie with me and he enjoyed it.)

It was a mix of Show and Tell, then The Principal and then Class Fight.

It was kind of as a slap in the face for Alex and it looked like it worked. The arena was buzzing. I went back to the changing room to Jordan before he had to walk out.

"Coach or Girlfriend first?"


"Ok, keep your hands up and stay on your toes. You've worked so hard for this even though almost everyone is betting against you. Go prove them wrong."

He nodded. "Now girlfriend." Which made me laugh.

"I love you. You can do this. I'll be waiting for you after you win."

"And if I don't win?"

"You will"

"Jordan it's time" the head coach called. He gave me a kiss and then got into position for the announcer to introduce him out.


The first round Jordan went for it since Alex was being a bit stand-of-ish. Alex spent most of the time trying to block, not throwing many punches.

The second round it was a bit more even. Alex threw a lot more punches this round as he knew if he tried to save his energy, Jordan would destroy he with a KO.

The third was Alex's round. I must admit. He did come back hard. I don't blame him since Jordan made his nose bleed.

The forth round could have gone either way. They were both starting to get fatigue and they were both sweating profusely.

The fifth round was definitely Jordan's. He got a KO in this round. He caught his breath back a bit but he was still a bit fatigue. I don't think he could have done much more that round.

Round 6 was pretty even. Jordan was quite worn out where as Alex was more aching than anything. Both took a few blows to the face. Jordan's face was bleeding a bit but it was nothing compared to Alex.

When the sixth round ended, I was so relieved. But still really nervous. Overall it was pretty close and it might go either way. It was going to the judges score cards which made me even more nervous cause I knew they were all America and the odds were against Jordan.

I was stood nervously next to Harry and everyone else around us. The head coach came over to me and said Jordan wanted to see me. I climbed over the barrier and walked up to the ring. I stood up on the edge outside of the rope and he hugged me.

Me and the rest of the coaches were talking to him waiting for the winner to be announced. Eventually, both Alex and Jordan were called into the middle of the ring. I climbed over the rope so I was now in the ring.

"...... scores the contest 57-54 to the winner by split decision. From the United Kingdom, Jordan."

He jumped in the air in celebration. The crowd was buzzing and cheering. I glanced over at Harry and he's jumping in the air celebrating with everyone. I look back over at Jordan and he is on the floor. He stands up, walked over to me and just hugs me.

"I'm so proud of you"

He pulls away and kisses me hard. He pulls away then hugs me again. He went to go talk to a few other people while I went back to Harry.

"They caught you kissing on camera. I know J has already confirmed it but this it like a proper confirmation. Just be careful, ok?"

"I will. I love him and I'm so proud of him and that's all that matters right?"

Thanks for reading

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