Chapter 17

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⚠️Warning: potential triggers⚠️

Jordan's POV

We finally get home from recording our challenge video. We called for Maddie to come down stairs but there was no answer. Me and Harry went upstairs to check were she was. I checked my room and Harry checked her room. She wasn't in my room so I went up stairs again to her room.

Harry knocks on the door but there is no answer. He tries to open the door but the door is locked. We call her name and there is still no answer. Harry runs down stairs, I'm assuming to check the rest of the house. I knock and call again. She shouts "Go away". She sounds like she is crying so I tried to break the door down. I knew I had to get to her.

After a few attempts at shoving my shoulder against the door it finally opens and that's when I saw her. She was curled up in a small ball at the end of her bed crying, rocking back and forth, clearly spooked from me breaking down the door.

I run to her and place my hand one of her arms. She instantly backs away and crawls backwards into the corner of the room while saying to stay away from her. Harry came into the room and looked at me really confused and started to walk towards her when I stopped him.

"She said to stay away from her" I said to him quietly.

Harry looked back at her and saw she was crying and sweating, still rocking back and forth, not wanting to be anywhere near anyone.

"Ok, I know you want us to stay away, but I'm not leaving you. So I'm going to sit down right here" I sits down where he was stood "is that ok?"

She nods at me and Harry sits down next to me. When she nodded her head up, I saw that her neck was all bruised and swollen. I elbowed Harry in the side and he seems to see it to.

"Ok, Mads, we are going to just walk outside and we will be right back in a second, ok?"

Me and Harry walk to the second floor to talk.

"What the fuck, man?" Harry said to me. It sounded like he was blaming me for what just happened.

"You can't blame me for this. And how did she get that on her neck?" We both didn't know what to do so we went down stairs to talk to the others.

When we got downstairs, the girls were back. Thank god the girls were back. We told them what happened and the boys looked concerned but also confused. The girls on the other hand looked like they knew what happened to her.

Nicole ran upstairs right after we finished and me and Harry followed her. She went straight to Maddie's room. When we caught up to her. She was on her knees talking to Maddie.

"I know you don't want to be touched and that's ok. We don't have to talk about it either. But just for a minute you have to be strong for me ok? Now I'm only going to ask you this once, were you raped?" Maddie started crying hysterically.

"Oh my god" I muttered. I didn't know what to do. I was frozen. But it seemed like Nicole knew what to do so we just left it to her.

"I know you don't want to be touched, that's alright, but your safe. None of us are going to hurt you because we aren't just friends, you guys are like my family. The main thing is that you escaped and you're safe now. You're alive and you will survive this because you are so much stronger than you think. The person who did this tried to take your pride and destroy you but they will not succeed because your pride and your strength cannot be taken from you. Ever. Now we are going to go into the bathroom, just the two of us and we are going to clean you up and erase any trace of what just happened, ok? You can't let whoever did this to you win. Trust me and let me help you." She said while Maddie just kept crying in the corner. Nicole held out her hand to Maddie and she hesitantly took it. Nicole turned to face us.

"I've got it from here" she said and we left still in shock from what just happened.

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