Chapter 28

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New Years Eve, we had a party at Jordan's flat again and I tried not to get as drunk as I did last time. Who knows what my drunken brain would do.

Despite what my brain was telling me, I just had a couple of drinks before a was drunk and just kept drinking. Luckily, I was with the girls so they could keep an eye on me.

Half an hour before midnight, I'm trying to find Harry or Jordan but I couldn't so I just went to the living room and sat on the sofa. I couldn't trust myself to go anywhere else.

Midnight passes but no one really cares as everyone is pissed. I spot Jordan and Harry talking and decided to go over to them.

Jordan's POV

I was talking to Harry about how things were going with our girlfriends when Maddie walks over to us. She was very wobbly and I knew she was completely shit faced.

"Speak of the devil" Harry said. She tripped and I had to catch her before she fell.

"I think it's time for someone to go to bed" I suggested and Harry nodded in agreement. "Can you walk by yourself or do I have to carry you?"

"I can walk" she slurred as she stood up probably and then fell again. I caught her and picked her up to take her to my room. 

I lay her down on the bed and as I was about to walk away, she spoke.

"I love Jordan. I love him more than anything in the world. But sometimes he just really confuses me. Like, he says that he wants our relationship to be a secret, but he does obvious stuff in public and in videos that I just can't cover up. People will find out soon if he's not careful." And then she fell asleep.


Maddie's POV

When I wake up the next morning, I have a horrible hangover and a booming headache. When Jordan hears me moving around in bed, he comes in the room with some aspirin and a glass of water. He sits down on the bed next to me as I sit up and hands me the aspirin and water which I quickly take.

"Thanks" I said still very tired.

"You're welcome" he says and kind of looks down at the floor. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

"No, why?"

"No reason. Oh and, Happy Anniversary"

I giggled at the memories of the past year. "Happy Anniversary"

I was going back to school in a few days so we went back to the mansion and spent all of our time together.

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