Chapter 32

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Jordan's POV

I have been watching a few of Maddie's rehearsals from the roof through a window cause I'm not allowed in but they seem to be going really well. From what I've seen, she is doing a group dance to a BLACKPINK Evolution, a group to Finish Line by Daye Jack (Jordan only knows that song from On my block), another group to Womanizer by Britney Spears, and solos to When The War Is Over by Jena Gogo and Skyfall by Adele. Her duet with Joe was to a song called Tied to you by Andrew Austin.

Today it was a different dance though. One I had never seen before.  I have never come on a Friday so it must have been a different routine. The song was called Rewind by Dave Sorbara and Hannah Fogel. I was a good song. I liked it.

Just when I thought rehearsal was over, someone said they wanted to go over what they did on Wednesday. That was another day I had never go to see rehearsals of. But only because Maddie asked me not to.

All of the boys seemed to leave and then I got really confused. Some girls that I didn't know got into position and I saw Maddie within that group. The music starts to play and then I realise what is going on.

The song was Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls. The dance started with then doing a few poses and then the first verse came. It started out not that bad but quickly escalated into very sexual.

Why didn't Maddie tell me about this? I wouldn't mind. She's kinda turning me on. Now I understand why the boys had to leave.

After rehearsal, I drive Maddie back to the mansion. We were greeted by many of our friends and all went to the living room to watch some TV.

"How was dance?" Nicole asked Maddie.

"Good, I think I definitely have the routines down." She said and I started laughing for some reason. "What?"

"I have a video"

"Wait really? I've never seen her dance before." Nicole said. I get my phone out and find the video. I press play and then prop it up on the table leaning it on a glass.

The beginning on Rewind starts to play and we all look excited. When the song ends we all clap as if it was live and we were there in person. Then Buttons start playing and I start to freak out. So I just paused it.

"Why did you pause it? Maddie's dancing there too." Emma says as Harry walked in.

"Ooooo, I want to see her dance."

"I don't think you do" confident that I knew he wouldn't.

"She's my sister, I want to see her dance."

"Ok, I warned you" and pressed play. I watch Harry's face turn horrified like I knew it would.

"Omg, my sister can't be doing that"

"Harry you don't control my life, I can do what I want." Maddie argues back. I hug her waist from the side as she sat next to me to show that I was proud of her.

"If it helps, it kinda turned me on" I whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek. Her mad face turned into a cheeky smile.

"I heard that" Harry said.

"What so you wouldn't care if Erin danced for you?" There was a silence until Maddie started laughing which made everyone else but Harry laugh. "That's what I thought"

We all turned our attention back to the TV. A few minutes later, I hear a conversation between Maddie and Nicole.

"That's not a bad idea you know"


"If you taught us how to dance"

"If you want"

"This is going to be fun"

They then stood up and headed towards the stairs and Emma and Caitlyn followed them. As the got to the stairs, the front door opened and Erin walked in. She followed the girls upstairs and I could only imagine.


That night me and Maddie spent the night at my apartment just in case. We ordered dominos for dinner and watched a few movies but I was still curious.

"What happened with the girls?"

"I can show you better than I can tell you"

Well I wasn't expecting that to come out of her mouth. She definitely showed me and I'm glad we stayed in my apartment that night.

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