Chapter 25

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*3 days later*

"I have something to confess"

Me and Jordan were lying in bed at about 11:00pm. He looked at me really confused. He turned his body to me to give his full attention.

"I'm going to University... and before you say anything, I applied a while ago and I forgot about it until earlier today"

"What University?"

"London South Bank Uni?" He gave me a look and I knew exactly what he was thinking. "I know it's far but it's less than 2 hours away. And that's walking."

"I just don't know why you even need to go to Uni in the first place" I knew exactly where he was going with this and he knew I didn't like it.

"Because I need a job, and to get a job I actually want to do, I need an education"

"But you don't need a job"

"I don't want your money"

"I know, but there is still plenty to go around. You may not want my money but I'm still going to support you. No matter what."

"I know" I said while wrapping my arms around his neck. "But your still not going to convince me"

"Why do you even need to go to Uni in the first place? Why do you need a job?"

"Ok, let's think about it this way. You can't keep me locked in your mansion all day every day with nothing to do but wait around for everyone else. I'll be so bored. I need to do something with my life, something I can be proud of, something that I challenged myself to do and I work so hard at to succeed. Is that a better reason?"

"I have no words. That's definitely a better reason. If this is what you want then I support you" he said and kissed me.

"Thank you. There is a down side though. I need to move into student accommodation"

"Why? It's not that far a drive"

"It's to make friends the first year. After that, I'll probably move back in here and just drive there every day. Now I just need to figure out a way to tell the others"

I told them all the next day and they were all a bit surprised but they all supported me. Later that day...

"So am I dating a student now?" Jordan asked me when I was making dinner for everyone and he was just wandering around the kitchen, getting in the way and trying to be annoying.

"Yeah, I guess you are. But why does it make a difference, I'm younger than you anyway"

"Only by a few months"

"What do you want for your birthday since it's almost September?" I have no idea what I am going to get him for his birthday.

"You don't have to get me anything. You is enough"

"Are you sure I'm enough?"

"I'm positive" he said and I refocused my attention on cooking.

"How did you and Harry become friends" I said and looked at him. "You and Harry are like the OG's who started this whole thing"

"I moved to a new school in Year 9. Harry was in my Tutor and he showed me around. We became friends and that's when I met you. He had fell out with his friends at the time. Gradually, our group began to grow. What else is there to add?"

A week later, I was packed and moving into a student apartment luckily with one of my best friends Willow.

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