Chapter 20

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Maddie's POV

Every time I close my eyes, I have nightmares of what happened. I couldn't sleep so what was I doing. I needed comfort. I needed to feel safe. I needed my boyfriend. That's what I really needed. I got out of bed and tiptoe to his room trying not to wake Harry up who was asleep on the sofa.

I walk in a got under the covers of his bed and shuffled close to him. He half wakes up as I put my arms around his waist. He pulls me closer into a hug and I smile. I knew he would keep me safe.

"Thank you" I whispered.

"For what?" he whispered back.

"For always being there for me. For having my back. For always making me feel safe when I'm with you. For being the person I can rely on for anything. For being so patient and understanding. I could go on forever." I rambled but he smiled and giggled at me then pulled me closer to his chest.

This was a special moment. I forgot about everything. All I could think about was him and how he makes my feel. It felt so good to be in his arms and to feel the warmth of his embrace. I didn't want to be anywhere else or with anyone else.



"I love you"

"I love you too"

That was the first time he said it to me and I said it back. I knew I could rely on him to make me feel better.

So cute.

I need a favour. Please can you name an American YouTuber. Preferably someone who lives in LA but it's fine if they don't. It can literally be any American YouTuber as long as there American.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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