Chapter 4

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This one is a bit longer. Does include mild swearing and sex references.

I know I promised not to tell anyone anything but I needed to tell someone, just not Harry.
I walked over to Sam's room across the hall from my room in my grey jogger and white
t-shirt. I knocked the door before entering.

"Hey Mads, what can I help you with?" he said and then took a bite out of the sandwich he had in front of him which was a big mistake.

"Me and Jordan had sex last night" I blurted out. Sam choked on his sandwich so I ran over to him and patted his back. He eventually swallowed.

"YOU WHAT?" he shouted.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't want Harry to hear"

"Don't want Harry to hear what?" I hear from Sam's door. Stood there was Tom and Jack staring at me.

"She had sex with Jordan last night" Sam said. Tom choked on air and Jack choked on his drink.

I slapped Sam on the head and said "Why don't you tell the whole world" then fell onto Sam's bed.

"Wait what?" Tom asked.

"We were both drunk and did it but we don't remember" I answered.

"If you don't remember then how do you know you slept together?" Jack asked.

"Because I woke up next to him in his bed and we were both naked."

"Yeah, that's a problem" Sam said.

"You think. Harry's going to flip" I said.

"You going to tell him?" Tom asked.

"No... Are you crazy?"

"You should, he's going to be mad if you don't tell him and someone else does" Jack said and turned around. Stood there was my brother, I quickly sat up as the other looked at me.

"You slept with my best mate?" Harry asked. I couldn't answer him so I just stared at the floor.

"Oh my god, I'm going to kill him" Harry said before turning around and leaving.

"Shit" I said under my breath, then got up to follow him down stairs.

"NO HARRY DON'T" I shouted and ran into the living room to see Jordan pinned to the floor with Harry on top of him.

"YOU SLEPT WITH MY SISTER" Harry shouted, I slowly walked towards them.

"Harry, stop it. Let him go." I said softly as I forced tears back into my eyes. But Harry didn't listen to me and punched Jordan in the face instead. I was pulled back be someone as the held me , the others were trying to get Harry off of Jordan.

"NO, STOP IT" I shouted/screamed. I was pulled into Sam's room, Sam was holding me back. He sat me down on his bed then sat next to me; I just sat their crying.

"Hey, calm down" Sam said.

"I'm so scared Sam" I said through my tears.


"I've never seen Harry this mad before" I said.

Just then the door flew open and Jordan walked in. I stood up as he walked over over to me.

"Jordan?" I said softly, he ignored me and just kissed me. I kissed back once I realised what was happening. After a few seconds, we both pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. Unfortunately, that was rudely interrupted.

"YOU KISSED MY SISTER" Harry shouted from behind me. Sam, Tom and Jack held him back while I hid behind Jordan. I don't know where the others were.

"Harry man listen to me. I would never hurt your sister, you know that. I've liked her for a while and it's been so obvious. I'm surprised none of you could tell. Don't do this man" Jordan said.

Wait what? Jordan likes me? I mean I've had a crush on him for a few years but he actually likes me? We did snog a couple of times in secondary school but he moved to London before anything happened. I guess I still kinda like him to. I mean what's not to like.

Everyone just looked at us. I was scared of what Harry was going to do so I wrapped my arms around Jordan's waist from behind and rested my head in between Jordan's head and shoulder; I tried to stop myself from crying. Jordan placed his hand on the side of my head and kiss the other side to comfort me.

"Maddie, I'm sorry for scaring you." Harry said. I loosened my grip around Jordan's waist and walked over to him slowly. "I love you"

"I love you too, Harry" I said and hugged him.

"Jordan, look after my little sister or else I'm coming for you" Harry said. I looked in shook that Harry had say that. Harry looked at me and nodded. I smiled at him. Just as I turned around, Jordan picked me up before spinning me around. Harry could tell we were happy and that's all he wanted me to be.

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