Chapter 24

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The last one was a bit short so sorry.

The next day, Me and Nicole tried to pretend that nothing was wrong, although Nicole thought that I should at least tell Harry and Jordan.

I couldn't bare to see the their reactions, especially since the baby wasn't Jordan's. At least I knew Harry wouldn't kill Jordan. I did think about what would have happened if the baby was Jordan's. I mean, I probably would have kept it but, I don't know.

We were doing so well at hiding it all day but Nicole pulled me aside to talk in the kitchen after the boys had ordered KFC. She kept telling me that I had to tell everyone but it just turned into an argument. Everyone heard the yelling and rushed in to see what was going on.

"Either you tell them, or I will?" Nicole said. I knew she was being deadly serious by the look on her face and that's just the kind of person she was.

After much hesitation and everyone asking what Nicole was talking about, I eventually agreed but immediately regretting it.

"Fine" I turn around to face half the people in the kitchen. "Harry, Jordan, I need to talk to you both in the living room"

The three of us walked into the living room and the boys sat on the sofa after my gesture to do so. They sat there waiting for me to talk but I struggled to get the words out. I took a deep breath.

"What's going on, you're really starting to scare..." Harry started to say but I cut him off.

"I'm pregnant"

"" he said slowly out of shock.

"I'm having an abortion tomorrow" I said ready to leave the conversation but Harry and Jordan had some questions.

"When were you going to tell us?" Jordan asked me.

"I was going to tell you but I didn't know how" I had to lie otherwise they would think I didn't trust them.

"How far along are you?" Harry asked still trying to process the news.

That was the question I wanted to avoid. When I did say anything Jordan figured it out.

"You're 3 months, aren't you?"

I just started crying hysterically. Jordan rushed over to me and pulled me into his chest hugging me close. Harry buries his head in his hands feeling guilty. I pulled away from Jordan slightly so I could look up at him but so he was still holding me close.

"This is why I'm having an abortion" I said.

"If it was mine would you have kept it?" He asked me. Oh no. The other question I wanted to avoid.

"I've been thinking about it and I honestly don't know. I think if I was in the moment I would know but in this situation, I don't know" I was worried he would be mad at me but at least I was honest.

"Thank you for being honest with me. I know is hard for you but thank you for letting me in" he says and presses a kiss on my forehead.

God, he really does know me well. Sometimes, I think he knows me better than I know myself.
I think it proves that if we could get through this after dating 8 months, then we could get through anything.

The next day, Jordan drove me to the hospital and I had the abortion so we can finally put this whole thing behind us. Hopefully.

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