Chapter 15

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*A month later*

Jordan was carrying me over his shoulder down the stairs. I hit his back and told him to put me down but he just kept giggling and saying no. He walks into the front room and puts me on the sofa and I see his brother.

"Jordan, what's going on?" I said, I'm so confused and why is Taco here. "Taco do you know?"

"He just told me to come over and that's it" he replies. He looks just as confused as I am. Then I notice a camera in front of us. Jordan sits between us.

"WHAT'S UP?" Jordan shouted at the camera which scares me.

"Oh shit" I muttered.

"This is my brother Taco and this is Maddie and they have no idea what they are doing here" Jordan says with a cheeky grin.

"Nope" Taco says quietly.

"So we are going to do a quiz to see who knows me best. Is it my brother or my female best friend?" Jordan says, I look at him really confused. "What?"

"Female best friend?" I questioned his choice of words.

"Well you are aren't you?"

"Fair enough"

The quiz is really easy to start with and they were questions both me and Taco we're getting right. The questions were slowly getting harder and weirder. It was getting increasingly hard to pretend that me and Jordan weren't dating and Jordan wasn't helping.

"What's my favourite sex position?"

I mean, I knew the answer but I couldn't let them know that so I just looked at him really confused.

"How would either of us know that?" I asked him. He smirked at me and said if I wanted the point then guess. I got the answer right but I think he was biased.

In the comments, everyone was questioning whether me and Jordan were in a relationship or not. Apparently, we were sitting really close to each other and there was a curtain way we looked at each other. I tried my best and I couldn't have hid it any better.

"Why would you give us that question? Because that's not going to make people question our relationship" I asked him when we were I'm his room so we could talk privately.

"It makes good content" he answers but I wasn't having any of it. But I tried to stay calm.

"That was really hard to cover up" I said calmly." On the spot" I added.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think of that" he gave my a hug and kissed my forehead, "now come on. Harry's ordered Nando's."

We went down stairs and didn't speak of it again.


It really kicks off in the next chapter so I hope you're prepared.

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