Chapter 21

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*Two weeks later*

I was still staying at Jordan's apartment because we figured it would be safer there. Harry didn't want to leave either so he was staying in the guest room. We went to the house every day but I still wasn't ready to go upstairs yet. Even downstairs, the entire time I was clinging on to Jordan. The only time I wasn't with Jordan was when the boys had to film for the group channel last week but the girls were with me instead.

Today is different though because today everyone is working so I will be alone again. I wasn't ready for that but what could I do.

"I don't want to leave you alone" Jordan said to me as we sat on his bed.

"I know but what else can we do?"

"What if you held one of the cameras for us. We needed someone since Callum told us he was sick" he suggested. I mean it wasn't a bad idea. I would be with the guys and they would keep me safe. It would distract me for a few hours. But I didn't want to get in the way.

"I don't know" I said and he basically told we what I was thinking but said we wouldn't be in the way. It was like he could read my mind. I agreed and he text the guys about it which they were really grateful for.

All of the boys kept me safe like I knew they would. I don't know what I was worried about. I knew I was safe with the boys but I always seem to think of the worst possible scenarios.

When me, Jordan and Harry got back to the apartment, I went to Jordan's room and got into bed. I just needed to think.

"I ordered pizza" I heard a voice behind me say. I looked up at him and half smiled. "Should be here in 20 minutes." He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah" I responded.

"Come on. I know when you're lying" he says. I turn around to look at him.

"I guess I was just expecting the worse to happen today. I don't really know what to feel"

"I get it"

"It's weird that you know when I'm lying"

"You don't like being vulnerable. But I appreciate that you let me in" he says and kisses my forehead then leaves me to think.

I think I'm going to try and post every 2 days. If I forget how long it's been I'll just post though. I'm also going to try and make the chapters a bit bigger as well.

Hope you enjoyed

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