Bad Boy

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Jimin arrived at Park Corporations where he would start his first day as the new CEO. When Jimin entered the huge building all workers stopped what they were doing and bowed. "Welcome, CEO Park!". Jimin respectfully bowed back and went up to the 21st floor where his office was. When Jimin entered his office he saw Jungkook who was patiently waiting. "Hyung, eomma and appa wanted me to give you some paperworks that you left at home". "Thank you Jungkook" jimin smiled. Jungkook scratched the back of his neck and tried to leave but before he could Jimin pulled his hand stopping him from moving. "Jungkook, what happened to us?" "We used to be so close but I feel like we are getting farther apart". "People naturally get further apart hyung". "You know that I am not a part of this family and I never was". "I will always be alone and always have been". Jungkook removes Jimin's small hand from his wrist and exits the room all Jimin could do was to look down not responding to any of his statements. 


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A small boy with with big round eyes and a bowl cut was crying at an empty park. He had black and blue bruises all over his body, his tears were flowing like a waterfall and he felt helpless. A boy who looked a couple years older hugged him tightly. "Are you okay?". "Did you get hurt?". "Hold on I'll call for help". The small boy looked up with tears in his eyes frightened, scared, and lost. The older boy put his arm around the smaller boy. "Hi, my name is Jimin what is your name". "My n-a-m-e is Jung... Jungkook". The smaller boy could barely speak because of his distressed state. Jimin parents and Secretary Hong arrived in a state of shock. "Jimin, help him get up, let's take him to the hospital". The doctor treated his wounds. "Are you his parents?". "No, we just found him in the park like this jimin's mom responded". "Hmmm.... he shows signs of physical abuse and possibly mental trauma". "His name in Jeon Jungkook and it looks like his parents abandoned him because we couldn't find any records". Jimin looked at the boy worriedly. "Eomma, Appa can we adopt him?" "We can take care of him". Jimin parent's were uncertain at first because having an adopted son in a chaebol family is rare and he would likely go through a lot of hardships but Secretary Hong convinced them to take him in. He was no longer Jeon Jungkook instead he was Park Jungkook.

  End of Flashback

Secretary Hong interrupted Jimin's thoughts. "Jimin, I did some research on Kim Dahyun and apparently her mother left her when she was 15 because of their family's finacial situation". "She was tired of working just to pay her husband's hospital bills". "Dahyun's father has suffered from cancer and has constantly been in and out of hospitals, therefore she works at her dad's coffee shop trying to run a stable business". Jimin was taken aback at what Secretary Hong just told him. "What a sad story, such a sweet girl had a tough life" Jimin replied. "Anyway, we must get to work". "Your first job, Mr. Park is to hire a new assistant". "I could set up an interviews so you can determine...". "No!" Jimin firmly stated. "I already have an assistant in mind". "Mr. Park, who is it?". "Kim Dahyun". "I will not accept anyone else". Secretary Hong tried to argue with Jimin but he knew he would never win against this strong-willed man. Instead he gave in to Jimin's request to make Kim Dahyun an assistant to Park Jimin at Park Corporations.

Jungkook got off his black Harley Davidson motorcycle. He was attending classes at Seoul National University. He was a 20 year old college student who was majoring in business to join Jimin one day in the same field. He never liked business but his parents forced him too. The only reason why he got into one of the most prestigious universities in the country was because of his family. Since they are chaebols they have lot of connections, there is no question that a majority of the people at this college come from power and influence it is rare to see an "average" person. A 20 year old young japanese girl named Sana was wandering around the campus. Despite being japanese she could read, write, and speak korean she was extremely intelligent. As Sana was making her way to the library she tripped over her own feet and dropped her papers and her glasses. "Dammit" sana pouted. She rushed to pick up her materials because he could feel a  stare from a group of boys. "Damn do you see the curves on this chick!". "Yeah, she looks super hot!". Jinwoo, the leader of the group approached her. "Hold on, I just want to see something babygirl". Sana was cornered into the wall and she had nowhere to run all she could do was close her eyes and hope the nightmare was over. 

They looked like hungry lions waiting to devour their prey. Jinwoo was about to touch Sana when a strong hand grabbed Jinwoo's wrist stopping his action. He had denim jeans, a black leather jacket and he was known as the "bad boy" on campus. "What are you think you are doing you pervert!" Jungkook sternly shouted. "It's none of your business" Jinwoo responded. Jungkook punched Jinwoo in the face so hard that his nose was bleeding. The rest of Jinwoo's gang pounced. It was a 5 vs 1 but what they didn't know was that under that rich chaebol exterior, Jungkook was a master at taekwondo. It was an all out brawl in the hallway. Jungkook dodged the punches thrown and round house kicked one of the guys in the face. He later judo throwed another onto the hard concrete floor. Next he slammed one of the guy's head into the wall. The last guy panicked and ran away. The fierce lions before looked like scared puppies each of them running for their lives before Jungkook could deal more damage. Jungkook had a lot of fighting experience, he only came away with a small cut under his lip. He later turned to Sana who was shivering in fear with her head on her knees. Jungkook lifted her head up with one finger and stared into her eyes. "Gwenchana?". Sana tried to avoid his gaze but his finger held her chin in place. "Ne" she responded. Jungkook let go and helped her up. "Next time be more careful" Jungkook smirked. He picked up his backpack with one hand and slung it over his shoulder walking away leaving Sana dumbfounded. Sana held on to her books tightly making her way to the library, silently smiling at the boy's actions. 

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Thank you for voting and supporting my story! I really appreciate it! Please comment below because I would love to interact with you guys.

Special thanks to @DubuMochi02 for giving me confidence. The double update is for you.

Next chapter will be more Dahmin...

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