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"Hey you guys over there" a man shouted after firing his gun.The gang's cover was blown and there was no choice but to fight. The dock was soon filled with 20 angry looking men who wanted to rip their heads off. J-Hope quickly threw the smoke bombs blinding the men. Suga ran into the smoke with his knives, he was a silent assassin slitting the throat of the enemies. You could hear the enemy's piercing screams as Yoongi slashed them with their daggers. Jungkook ran into the smoke with his brass knuckles. As a fighting expert he managed to subdue some of the men who were buff and looked like bodybuilders. Jungkook used his brass knuckles to aim at the enemy's weak spots in the chest, the ribs, and the face. Jungkook was too fast and skilled, he managed to dodge the opponents punches while landing heavy blows with his strong muscular legs. The smoke cleared and there were 5 men left.

One man pulled out his gun and shot Suga in the back. "Fuck!" Suga yelled. Jungkook was close enough of get a rear choke hold on one of men using him as a shield against the gun aimed at him. Taehyung pulled out his golden eyed pistol and shot the gunman in between the eyes and next shot the man that Jungkook was choking out. Jungkook quickly ran after Suga and carried him behind cover. Meanwhile, the man who had a blue cap and red mask was carrying a package loading it onto a motorcycle. Before, they could stop him the Japanese man pulled out at automatic assault rifle and started firing emptying the clips rapidly. "Fuck we are pinned down!" Taehyung yelled. "J-Hope get Yoongi to the back of the van and Jungkook go after the man with the red mask". "I will cover you". Taehyung said trying to keep his composure. The firing stopped as the Japanese man had to reload his gun. Taehyung peeked the corner and started firing his pistol. The intensity increased as each round of bullet clips dropped to the floor. He shot one of the men straight in the head and managed to injure the Japanese man in the shoulder so now there were only 2 left. This bought enough time for J-Hope to carry Suga to the safety of RM and Jin and for Jungkook to get his motorcycle and chase after the man with the red mask. 

The wound on Suga's back was non lethal but it was definitely hurt like hell. Jin was a really good medic and he has been in difficult situations like these before so removing a bullet was no problem. He grabbed the medical supplies stashed in the van and got to work. He grabbed the woven cloth to apply pressure on the wound to stop it from bleeding. Yoongi bit his lip and winced in pain. Next, Jin applied the rubbing alcohol to the wound which made Yoongi scream. "AHHHHH!" "FUCK!". Jin tried to calm him down "Just hold still, I'll remove the bullet with the tweezers". Jin grabbed the tweezers and carefully removed the bullet from his back making sure not to permanently damage anything in his body. Jin was concentrated as he tried to patch up the wound by using stitches. Jin wiped the sweat off his forehead "All done". RM was on his computer trying the communicate with Taehyung and Jungkook who were still on the battlefield while J-Hope returned to help Taehyung in the bloody warzone.

Jungkook was in a high-speed chase with the man in the red mask. The tires of the motorcycles screeched on the asphalt road. The man with the red mask was ahead but Jungkook didn't lose sight of him. RM was communicating to Jungkook through wireless intercoms. He told Jungkook the names of the streets where the man would go so Jungkook could close the distance on his location. Jungkook was hot on his trail only one meter away from the man. Both of them entered a dark tunnel. The man with the red mask took a quick peek behind him and saw a furious Jungkook tailing him. The man turned around to see headlights shining on him, before he realized it was too late. He had a head on collision with a car, his motorcycle flipped over bursting into flames. Jungkook tried to maneuver his way around the crash by turning his motorcycle to the side but he was too close. He clipped the side of the car and fell off his motorcycle tumbling on the side of the road. Jungkook managed to get up but he was limping. He slowly walked toward the man who had sustained burn marks on his body. Despite this, the man had the courage to grab the package and crawl. Jungkook scoffed at his pathetic performance. Jungkook grabbed him by the collar and removed his blue cap and red mask. What the... I know you...

Taehyung was still engaging in a gunfight with the Japanese man neither of them giving an inch. Taehyung was running out of bullets as he was on his last round. J-Hope managed to sneak around the back of the pier while the Japanese man was distracted by Taehyung. J-Hope snuck up behind him trying to wrestle the assault rifle out of his hand. This allowed Taehyung a clear shot with only one bullet remaining. He shot the Japanese man straight in the chest watching his body collapse on the floor. J-Hope ran into the arms of Taehyung. "Fuck yeah!" "We did it!" Taehyung put his arm around his shoulder and smiled walking toward the van. The gang all celebrated giving each other fist-bumps and high-fives except RM. "WOOOO!" "LETS GO!!!" "WE TAUGHT THOSE BASTARDS A LESSON!" Yoongi said while injured. RM shut off his computer and turned around almost as if he saw a ghost. "Jungkook...". "I lost the connection with him...".   


What do you guys think about the chapter? Lend me your comments down below.

Special Thanks to @Reen_007, @bigboi38, @DubuMochi02, @MeredyFinston5, @Kimhyerin127, and dubeagle.

As always I appreciate your love and support.

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