Press Conference

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Secretary Hong tried to calm down the reporters as they raised their hands yelling "Mr. Park!" to try to get a question for the headlines on their magazines. Jimin settled down the crowd and started his introduction. "I am here to announce that I am in a confirmed relationship with Kim Dahyun". The crowd of reporters gasped and started whispering amongst themselves. "Isn't that the new assistant?". "There is no way a wealthy chaebol would date an ordinary woman". "The only explanation is that she is pregnant". Jimin clenched his fist in anger, the veins were visibly shown on his neck. He was about to say something when Dahyun held his hand and gently rubbed his back trying to calm him down. The only person in the room who could control Jimin was Dahyun. Jimin looked into the crowd with a devilish death glare. "I love Dahyun for who she is". "She changed my life, every aspect for the better". "I love her because she has become something more to me". "She became my life...". Dahyun stared at Jimin her cheeks turning redder by each word. She did not know that this man loved her that much. The reporters were on their laptops typing furiously trying to upload the new article. Jimin grabbed the mic closer to his mouth and said in a husky voice "IF ANYONE SPREADS ANY FALSE RUMORS I WILL SUE YOU FOR DEFAMATION!". The press conference abruptly ended as Jimin gently intertwined his fingers with Dahyun's small hand and left the press conference. The reporters were shouting and begging for more time... 

Jungkook continued his chase with the suspicious individual. The individual managed to get inside the elevator before Jungkook could reach there in time. However, this did not deter Jungkook. Jungkook was naturally athletic and his speed was enough to carry him down the flight of stairs. When he arrived at ground level he spotted the suspicious individual getting into a black van with tinted windows. Jungkook sprinted and grabbed a metal pipe. He managed to get on top of the car smashing part of the windshield. "GET OUT YOU BASTARD!" he yelled. The individual slammed the gas petal as Jungkook was on top of the car. Jungkook managed to shatter the left side of the windshield but he lost his balance and fell off the top of the car. All he could do was watch as the black van veered off into the sunset. Jungkook scraped his knees and his back from the fall but he has been in much worse situations before. He threw the metal rod and kicked the trash can next to him. "FUCK!". "FUCKING BITCH!". 

Jungkook managed to drag himself to Jimin's office. Jimin who was furious before came to Jungkook's side. "Hyung, what happened to you?" Jimin said worriedly. "I saw a suspicious individual at the press conference so I decided to confront him...". "But he ran away, I tried to stop him but he ran me over in a black van". Jimin gritted his teeth "DAMN BASTARD!" "Secretary Hong check the CCTV footage and see if you can get a license plate on the van". "Yes, Mr. Park"  Secretary Hong responded. Jimin looked at Jungkook and he had scrapes on his knees and his back. He must have taken a hard fall. Jimin tried touching his shoulder but Jungkook winced in pain. He looked like the same boy that he found in the park that day. "Hyung, I promise I will find this person". "They will rot in jail and never see the daylight ever again". Jungkook leaned his head back and laid on the couch smirking. "You bastard when did you get so cool". Jimin chuckled "Sometimes when you meet new people they can change you for the better".

Jungkook was being treated at the VIP room at Seoul National University Hospital. It was a mainly private area only family was allowed. Their parents were extremely worried so they managed to hire extra bodyguards for Jimin and Jungkook including police protection. Jungkook whined "Eomma, Appa I can take care of myself". They both shot him a death glare "I swear to god Jungkook this is not the time to argue" his mom said. Jungkook laid in bed and saw a text from Sana. "Shit, I was supposed to meet up with her today to study". He didn't want to make her worry but for some strange reason he wanted Sana by his side. He texted her his location slightly smiling to himself.

Jimin was discussing the situation with Dahyun when Secretary Hong interrupted them

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Jimin was discussing the situation with Dahyun when Secretary Hong interrupted them. "Mr. Park and Miss Kim I found the CCTV footage". The three of them carefully analyzed the footage and saw the suspicious individual messing with the control room. "Apparently, he or she wasn't after Jungkook but instead was after Dahyun and Jimin" Secretary Hong said. "They clearly wanted to mess up the press conference and make the company look bad". "It is good that Jungkook stopped this person just in time before things could have gotten out of control". "What about the license plates" Jimin asked. "This person uses different license plates, multiple traffic cameras caught these different license plates at different times" Secretary Hong replied. "Whoever this person is, they are definitely smart and calculated, this is not the first time that the van has been sighted at Park Corporations". "Ever since the news story broke this van has been outside Park Corporations". Dahyun looked at Jimin worriedly. "Chim, do you think it is the same person who took the photo of us kissing?" Jimin looked at Dahyun wide eyed trying to process all of the information. "Secretary Hong, I want you to check all of CCTV footage of Hirai's Hotels and Tokyo International Airport there may be a link between the two incidents". "I understand, Mr. Park I will get to work immediately". "Thank you Secretary Hong" Jimin replied.       

Who is the suspicious individual?

Why are they after Jimin and Dahyun?

Thank you to all of my supporters and readers who have voted on my story giving me encouragement. Special thanks to MeredyFinston5 and bigboi38.

Also I want to thank @DubuMochi02 who is going to write her final chapter on her Dahmin ff "You" please go check her out.

I love you guys and peace!  

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