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Inside of the warehouse the men gathered their guns to prepare for battle. Taehyung was still tied down but he spotted a jackknife at a table nearby. He couldn't make a move yet until the men were distracted so he could finally get the knife. He looked over at Tzuyu and motioned his head toward the knife implying that they would cut the ropes to escape. After a few seconds there was the sound of shattered glass breaking as bullets flew into the windows piercing the glass. While they were distracted Taehyung hopped over to the table where the knife was held. With his hands tied around his back, he positioned himself just enough to grab the knife with his fingertips. He slowly started to cut through the rope until his hands were free. Now that he had mobility he cut through the ropes that tied his legs together before removing the duct tape from his mouth. He quietly tip-toed his way to Tzuyu and freed her as well. Before they could make their escape the leader with a slender figure and long legs aimed a gun at them "Hey, don't move!" the individual said. Taehyung put Tzuyu behind his back and pulled out a golden eagle pistol under his boot. He always keeps a spare just in case something happens. The two of them had their guns pointed at each other neither of them willing to back down.

On the outside it was mayhem. The police were firing unlimited rounds nonstop. They definitely had the numbers advantage on the kidnappers but the goal of the mission is to rescue the hostage and lose the least amount of lives possible. So the police had to play it safe and not be too aggressive. RM was in the van giving callouts to the rest members. There was a back-entry way in the warehouse that wasn't covered. If they snuck in through the back they could save Taehyung. Jin stayed back on the front-lines. He wasn't really a fighter, he was more of a medic and he was vital in this operation. If he got hurt then there would be no one to help these reckless boys. J-Hope, Jungkook, and Suga took the lead as they tried to flank from the back. "I'll try to smoke the warehouse and you guys go in a save the hostages" J-Hope said confidently. J-Hope through the smoke bombs into the warehouse blinding the view of the kidnappers. Suga and Jungkook rushed in blindly to try to find Taehyung. There was a standoff between the individual and Teahyung until the smoke blinded them. Taehyung knew that Bangtan was here to save him because only J-Hope has a specific type of smoke bomb that he throws. Taehyung grabbed Tzuyu's hand and sprinted trying to find his hyungs who would bring him to safety. 

He saw a glimpse of a silver chain that had the words "Bulletproof" on it and realized that in was Suga. Taehyung ran in that direction dragging Tzuyu behind him. Suga and Jungkook caught a glimpse of Taehyung and ran in that direction. "Thank god you are okay" Jungkook said with his hands on his knees. Taehyung had a big gash on his forehead but he was alright. Suga grabbed Taehyung and Jungkook "Enough talking he have to get out of here". Just when they were about escape through the back door the smoke cleared. Taehyung looked back to see a the individual pointing a gun at Tzuyu. He quickly pushed her out the way which caused Tzuyu to fall on the floor. The gun fired a shot that landed in Taehyung's chest knocking him down unconscious. "TAE!!!!" she yelled. Suga used one of his daggers and threw it knocking the gun out of the individual's hand. He then threw an another dagger at the individual's leg which pierced his thigh which earned a scream from the individual. Jungkook used the distraction by Suga to carry Taehyung out of the warehouse while J-Hope grabbed the traumatized Tzuyu to help her get out with Suga following. Jungkook rushed over to Jin "Hyung help!" "Taehyung is badly injured!" Jin was shocked to see Taehyung's state and immediately got to work. Jin tried to stop the blood oozing from his chest until the paramedics arrived in an ambulance taking Taehyung on a stretcher. Jin, Tzuyu, Jungkook, J-Hope, and Suga went inside the ambulance to be beside Taehyung. "Only one passenger may be allowed" one of the paramedics said. "I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK JUST TAKE US TO THE DAMN HOSPITAL!" Suga said his eyes bulging out of his eye socket. The paramedics shut up and the driver slammed on the gas pedal. The ambulance going at full-speed to try to save the injured Taehyung.   

Meanwhile bullet clips emptied out as the police and the kidnappers were in a dogfight. Tons of screams could be heard on both sides as bodies dropped on both sides. The chief officer got shot in the ribs but that didn't deter him from still firing his rounds. After several minutes, the police presence was too much for the kidnappers. It was a numbers game and the kidnappers lost before they could even get started. Straight silence entered the streets as no more gunshots could be heard. The police bust through the front doors of the warehouse to see all of the men lifeless. They really killed every last one of them... RM who was still in the van had to complete his mission. He found the suspicious individual still injured in the leg trying to hobble away. He quickly tried to chase them down. Even though he was the least athletic out of the group he could definitely chase down the suspicious individual. RM tackled the suspicious individual to the ground. He put both of his hands on their neck trying to squeeze the life out of them. RM was full of fire after what they did to Taehyung. He would die for Bangtan if he had to. No one messes with the bulletproof squad, they are always together through good and bad times. This person almost killed one of his members so it was only right that he would return the favor. The individual was gasping for air and struggling to breath. "Please... stop..." the individual said out of breath. The police eventually got a hold on RM restraining him from hurting the individual any further. "Even though we can't let scum like this live, it is better if they rot in jail and atone for their sins" one of the police officers said trying to calm the furious RM. The police handcuffed the individual taking him to the police station. RM could quickly breath a sigh of relief because the stressful situation was over or was it...  

Sorry for the late update I had a bit of writer's block.

Who do you think the suspicious individual is now that they have been caught? Let me know down in the comment section.

 Special Thanks to @Reen_007, @bigboi38, @DubuMochi02, @MeredyFinston5, @Kimhyerin127, dubeagle, and tofu_mochi, pyksya_sya, saeeyo, krisha2231.

Do you guys like the chapter? What do you guys think about the story so far?

Special shoutout to @MeredyFinston5 her dog died recently and she is going through a lot of pain now. Please give her some support during this difficult time. She is one of my first supporters so it breaks my heart to hear the news. Please give her some love.

As always I appreciate your love and support.

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