International Good Boy

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Jungkook got called down to Principal Choi's office. The office had a modern style and it was definitely not Jungkook's first time being here. "Mr. Park please have a seat" Principal Choi said with his arms crossed. Jungkook collapsed on the couch and put his feet up on Principal Choi's desk. "What's up?" "Jungkook, what do you mean what's up?" "You are always causing trouble on campus and this time you beat up 5 of our students". "You know I am very good friend of your father but I can't keep covering for you anymore". "Principal Choi, one of the girls on campus was about to be sexually assaulted and you expect me to do nothing?" "I understand the situation Jungkook and that is why I am not punishing you but fighting isn't always the answer". "There is a civilized way to handle the situation". "You could have called for help from an adult like me so we could diffuse the situation and deal punishments for those who are wrong". "Principal Choi, what makes you think that you would have handed out effective punishments". "After all, you said you were covering for me right?". "How do I know whether you are covering for Jinwoo and his gang?" Principal Choi went silent. Jungkook removed his feet from the table and got up. He approached Principal Choi looking at him eye to eye. Jungkook straightened his necktie and patted him on the shoulder. "That's what I thought". He left Principal Choi's office giving him the middle finger on the way out. What am I going to do with this boy?

Jungkook arrived to class late because of his argument with Mr. Choi. "Jungkook, you are late again, see me after class" Mr. Yang sternly said. Jungkook just responded with a shrug and made his way to the back of the classroom. He didn't even bother taking his books out instead he used his backpack as a pillow and fell asleep. Class was dismissed and Mr. Yang called for Jungkook. "Jungkook come over here please". "Listen Jungkook, you are barely passing my class and it looks like you are going to fail the semester". "Final exams are the only chance for you to pass my class". "I'm going to assign a tutor and she is the best student in the class: Sana". Jungkook didn't realize Sana standing next to him with her head down. Wait a minute that is the same girl that Jinwoo is after... She is in my class? How come I never noticed. I really need to start paying attention Jungkook thought. "Arraso, I'll accept your offer" Jungkook said. "Brilliant, hopefully this is a good sign that you are going to change for the better". Jungkook smirked "No promises".

Jungkook and Sana made their way up to the library. Since, it is a prestigious university the library is usually full but they managed to find a table. All of the girls drooled at the sight of Jungkook. He had it all, he was rich, sexy, and mysterious which made the girls more interested in him if they weren't already. Sana shared her neat handwritten notes with Jungkook. "Jungkook you can borrow these notes, I photocopied them just for you" she said while fiddling her fingers. Jungkook followed her instructions and studied the notes and asked her questions with parts he had trouble with which was most of it. Sana carefully explained each part and Jungkook listened. Jungkook rarely listens to anyone in fact he plays by his own rules but he felt bad that Sana was spending her time tutoring him so he made sure to do a good job studying. "By the way Sana how much should I pay you for tutoring me". Sana simply smiled and said "Don't worry, it's free because you helped me the other day". Sana and Jungkook would meet at the library every day for 2-3 hrs studying together up until the exam.

Timeskip: Exam Day  

Hundreds of students were lined up outside the business department building waiting to take the final exam. Jungkook studied hard for the exam because of Sana but he hates to admit that he is a little nervous. Sana tugged on Jungkook's black leather jacket and gave him a banana kick snack with orange juice. "It is going to be a long exam, use it to keep your energy up". "Thanks... Jungkook said while rubbing the nape of his neck. The exam doors opened and the students fate would be decided by this one exam paper. "Jungkook Hwaiting!" Sana said softly while doing aegyo. Jungkook would usually cringe at something like that but instead he laughed and showed his cute bunny teeth. That was the first time that Sana saw Jungkook genuinely happy.

After the exam was over Sana met up with Jungkook. "Jungkook, how was the exam?". "Hmmm... I don't know maybe good or maybe bad" Jungkook teased. Sana hit him on his shoulder and pouted. Jungkook just laughed at her cuteness. After a few days the exam results were out. "I would like to announce the top students who got the highest scores in our class" Mr. Yang said. "Number one is Minatozaki Sana!" the class clapped. "Number two is... Park Jungkook". The class didn't clap instead they turned around to see Jungkook's shocked face. Even he himself didn't believe he would score so high. "Congratulations to both of you!" Lecture ended up running longer than expected which caused Sana to miss the bus. She needed that bus to get to her apartment which was quite the distance from campus. She sat on the bench in the dark night. "Dammit!" "Why am I so slow?" she said. Jungkook saw Sana in the distance and pulled over with his motorcycle. "You need a ride?". "No, thanks I will just wait for the next bus".  Jungkook pulled out an extra helmet from his motorcycle and strapped it onto Sana head. He pulled her closer to try to adjust the helmet strap on her head. "It is too dangerous to leave a beautiful girl alone at night". "Gomawo" she said as her cubby cheeks turned flush red. Sana was afraid of riding the motorcycle until Jungkook reassured her. "Hold on tight and don't let go". Sana snaked her arms around his waist and pressed her chest on his back. Jungkook blushed because of the contact between her breasts and his back. Jungkook speeded off into the night while Sana tightly hugged him closing her eyes. Her heart was beating a million miles per hour but what she didn't know was that Jungkook's heart was also beating at the same rhythm.

 Her heart was beating a million miles per hour but what she didn't know was that Jungkook's heart was also beating at the same rhythm

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Check out @DubuMochi02 Dahmin ff. It is really good!

Next chapter will be Dahmin. If you have any suggestions leave them in the comment section down below. Thank you!

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