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May 31st, 2020

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May 31st, 2020

Samia eyed the two men in front of her, who were sitting down on her couch, as she sat down on top of Sahir's lap, in the recliner that sat across from it. Smoothing down the white robe that now covered her frame, she leaned back comfortably into Sahir's chest.

"Gentlemen, what brings you by?" Samia asked with a welcoming smile, that Sahir knew didn't match her eyes.

"Well ma'am, we're with the New Orleans police department. I'm Lieutenant Raymond Blue and this is Detective Louis Henderson."

Lieutenant Raymond Blue was a dark skin, six foot man with a semi-muscular build. While on the other hand, Detective Louis Henderson was a light skin, six foot three with a slim build.

Samia nodded her head.

"It's nice to meet you both. Please excuse my current outfit, I wasn't expecting anybody to come at this hour."

"Excuse us ma'am. We're workin' undercover on a series of-" Samia interrupted Lieutenant Blue.

"A lieutenant undercover? I would expect for a lieutenant to be working on something more important."

Lieutenant Blue let out a small laugh, while Detective Henderson began to speak.

"With all goin' on with the tourism in New Orleans, we can use all hands on deck."

Shooting Detective Henderson a glance that was suppose to go unnoticed by the Wests', but wasn't, Lieutenant Blue took over with speaking on why they were there.

"There was an attempted muggin' this evenin', not even a mile away from here. The victim got away."

Finally speaking, Sahir said, "Well isn't that swell."

Both Sahir and Samia's face held matching smiles.

Lieutenant Blue nodded his head warily at the couple in front of him, before continuing his speech.

"You don't know anything about the muggin', Mr. West?" Lieutenant Blue asked as he leaned onto his right knee.

Sahir shook his head, rapidly.

"I can't say that I do."

Lieutenant Blue nodded his head, though he didn't believe Sahir.

"Well you match the description of the intended victim, Mr. West. A black male with a broken baby stroller."

All four heads turned towards the broken baby stroller that was leaning against the wall by the door.

"And we have a informant who said she seen you leavin' the scene and enterin' this buildin'." Detective Henderson added.

Lieutenant Blue nodded his head.

"The buildin' manager who has been sitting at the desk since eight, says that man is you."

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