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May 30th, 2020

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May 30th, 2020

Once the waiter left the table with each of the couple's order, the couples resumed in getting to know each other.

"So how did y'all get ta' where y'all at? What's y'all story?" Milan asked Samia and Sahir, eager to know about their pairing.

A smile graced Samia's face as she locked eyes with her man. Sahir could see the playful glint in Samia's eyes as she conjured up a story as close to the truth as she could to tell the Carters'.

"It's actually a simple, boring story. Sahir and I met in nineteen ninety-seven while attending the same boarding school in Massachusetts. I couldn't stand him at first because he always tried to one up me, only to end up embarrassed." Samia said causing the Carters' to laugh as Sahir kissed his teeth, before joining in on the laughter.

When everybody's laughter died down, Samia continued with her story.

"He would always bother me, I was used to it, but when we became teenagers, our dynamics changed. After a while, his attempts started to get better and that caught my eye. His teasing turned into flirting and eventually, I found myself flirting back. We started dating when we were fifteen and we haven't looked back since. He proposed to me in two thousand and nine, while we were on a trip in Barcelona, and we had a small wedding later on that year. We've been enjoying being life and business partners for all these years." Samia smiled at Sahir, who was already smiling at her. "We decided that it was time to start our family, so we did just that. When we found out that I was pregnant, we both took a leave from work so that we could really enjoy bringing a new life into this world. My whole pregnancy was a breeze, Sahir catered to my every need. I gave birth to Sayid Montez on October second and he was eight pounds and fourteen ounces. We were so happy and everything was fine, until I felt the urge to push again. Five minutes later, I gave birth to Seiji Masoud and he was six pounds and twelve ounces. Ever since then, we've been learning how to parent two baby boys."

"Aww that's so cute. Y'all took y'all time to enjoy y'all marriage and build together. Now y'all have two precious baby babies." Milan paused looking at Tyson, before hitting his shoulder playfully. "How come our story can't be that cute?"

Tyson shrugged his shoulders as he handed Tiana the opened packet of crayons that went with the menu.

"Our story can't be that cute cause it started with you fightin' my sister." Tyson said so calmly making Samia let out a snicker.

Milan waved him off.

"His sister had it comin'. We've been in school with each other fo' years and we both hated each other's guts and still do. For some misfortunate reason, we would always be put in the same class every year and it always ended in a physical altercation. At a graduation cookout fo' some random person, I was there with my girls and she was there with hers. We hadn't argued or fought all year, we just acted like the other person didn't exist. People were havin' dance battles, so everybody was watchin' in a close circle. That girl had the nerve ta' push me out of the way from behind and stand in my spot. So I did what anybody else would, I wanged on her ass. I had her ass leakin' and right when I was going to land the final punch, this num-nut picked me up and dragged me away."

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