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June 7th, 2020

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June 7th, 2020

A six foot one, white male stepped out of the helicopter, onto the grass filled ground. Reaching into the helicopter, he grabbed a briefcase that resided inside of it. Moving away from the helicopter, he closed the helicopter's door. Using his free left hand, he rubbed any unwanted wrinkles off of his United States Colonel uniform and began to walk towards the building in front of him.

As he walked towards the building, he could see women of all races standing guard around the building's perimeter. Their figures were covered by black and white pantsuits, their eyes covered by some kind of black designer shades, and in their hands were machine guns.

Once he reached the ramp towards the building, his steps began to falter when he noticed that there were three women blocking his path.

"Colonel Wesley Graham of the United States Military, it's nice to meet you. Please follow us."

The woman left him no choice to respond as they quickly began to walk away. Quickly, Colonel Graham followed behind them, trying to match their steps. Once he was finally at a close walking distance behind them, they made it towards the double doors of the building.

Without any words, one woman opened the left, while another woman opened the right. The woman, who spoke to Colonel Graham, walked through the doors and Colonel Graham decided to do the same.

He followed behind the woman into the dimly lit building, before pausing to look behind him when he heard a loud bang. Realizing that it was probably the door slamming shut, Colonel Graham turned back around, only to jump back when he seen a sparked blunt being held by a dark figure.

The figure snapped two times and almost immediately, the lights to the building were turned on. Colonel Graham could now see that the dark figure was no other than the person he was doing business with: Madame Sinclair.

Colonel Graham watched as she put the blunt between her two plump, pink lips and took a pull from it. He was captivated by how like clockwork, she could perfectly release the smoke through her two nostrils.

As she stood there smoking, Colonel Graham decided to check her out. Her five foot four, light skin, curvaceous figure was covered by a drawstring side, solid white shirt dress. The dress stopped a few inches above her mid-thigh, allowing the colonel to see her dragon tattoo that seemed to slither it's way underneath. He also couldn't help to stare at her dress a little longer, for he could see her red lingerie that lied underneath. On her feet were a pair of clear colored heels, that showed her freshly done white toe nails. Her hair was nicely laid in a left side part bob, that flowed nicely due to the air conditioning.

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