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June 23rd, 2020

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June 23rd, 2020

Sahir sat down at the kitchen table, with a tablet that Gabriel had sent to them. On the tablet laid a complex software, named God's Eye, that was able to track someone's whereabouts, illegally using the satellites of whatever place the person's electronics connect to. With this piece of technology, Sahir was able to find out where Madame Sinclair's head base was. Now he was just trying to figure out how they were going to go about finishing the mission.

Samia laid on a yoga mat, on her stomach, mimicking both Sayid and Seiji.

"Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma." Was all that she could hear them say.

A few days ago, all they could say was a bunch of words that didn't make sense, but ever since she FaceTimed Milan earlier and they heard Tiana speaking, it's like something clicked within them.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." Samia cooed back to them with a smile on her face.

Sahir shook his head at the sight.

"They just started talking and I'm already starting to get annoyed." He said causing Samia to give him a stank look.

"Your only mad because they won't say 'dada', so stay your jealous ass over there." Samia quickly responded, sticking her tongue out at him.

Sahir snacked his teeth, deciding that Samia didn't deserve a response from him.

"Just wait until my daughter gets here. Eight months to go." Sahir mumbled to himself, nodding his head.

Hearing his words, Samia rolled her eyes, deciding to let him think what he wants to think. Moving her eyes onto Seiji, she smiled as he began to crawl towards her.

"Come to mommy, Jiji." Samia cheered as he made his way towards her.

Once he sat in front of her, he placed his hands on her face, squeezing her cheeks.

"Ma ma!" Samia heard Sayid yell, upset that he attention wasn't on him.

"Come here, baby." Samia said Sayid, unable to move her head due to Seiji's death grip on her cheeks.

"Wait till my daughter-" Sahir started, but was interrupted by a knock.

Alarmed because it was later on in the day, Sahir got up from his chair as Samia discretely removed her face from Seiji's hands and grabbed the Glock 40 that lied underneath the couch.

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