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July 5th, 2020

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July 5th, 2020

Doll parts flew all over the room, after the dolls exploded. The room grew heavily fogged with smoke, and everybody ran, trying to get to where they could see.

Grabbing the suitcase filled with D-32, that was behind her on a table, Madame Sinclair quickly ran towards it. After grabbing it, she exited out of one of the man doors beside it. Running quickly, she looked back to see some of her workers following behind her.

Stopping at the underground elevator, Madame Sinclair pressed the button repeatedly, only stopping when she seen that the elevator was ready. Opening the gate surrounding it, she hopped in and smiled, happy that she was able to make an escape.

"We have to find a way out of here." Lieutenant Blue whispered as he and the Wests' stood underneath a stairwell.

Bullets could be heard flying from all over, as Madame Sinclair's workers were currently looking for the three people who disappeared. They walked down the steps, rapidly, never thinking to check underneath them.

"You're right." Sahir said to Lieutenant Blue, before he turned to Samia. "Did I ever tell you how hot you looked, while being a bad mother?"

Samia shook her head, rolling her eyes.

"I hope you know that I'm mad at you, for making me do that." Sahir opened his mouth, then closed it once he realized that Samia wasn't done speaking. "I don't care that they were fake, they were babies and you made me throw them."

"You'll be fine." Sahir said waving her off.

Balling up her first, Samia cocked her hand back to punch Sahir in his lip, but her hand was caught by Lieutenant Blue.

"Now is not the time. We need to leave, follow me." Lieutenant Blue said heading out of their hiding space.

Sahir and Samia both looked at each other.

"We need to leave, follow me." They both mocked, pulling out both of their matching glock 40s, before they left from underneath the stairs.

Finally able to see, due to the clearing of smoke, Muerte looked around to see a somewhat empty room. The remaining workers in the room, were currently looking for the Wests', meaning that he could move undetected.

Sitting up, Muerte began to choke on something unknown in his mouth. Coughing, to get it out of his throat, he quickly spit it out to see what it was. On the floor laid two of his teeth.

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