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June 10th, 2020

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June 10th, 2020

"I find it crazy how my husband stops a robbery from succeeding, and you guys arrest him." Samia said with an incredulous tone.

After Sahir single handedly prevented the robbers from leaving the scene of the bank, Lieutenant Blue and Detective Henderson arrested him, along with the four robbers.

"Mrs. West can we stop with the fun and games. All I'm askin' fa' is the truth." Lieutenant Blue said sitting his phone down which was open on the Wordscapes app.

Though a few days had passed, he still wasn't able to get off of level one thousand, two hundred and twelve.

"Oh I love that game." Samia said grabbing his phone.

Lieutenant Blue watched Samia look at the level he was stuck on for days, and complete it in a matter of seconds.

"I don't know how you were stuck on that one. The word you didn't know was 'entanglement'." Samia said sliding his phone back across the desk to him.

Lieutenant Blue could feel his eye begin to twitch as he looked at Samia.

"Who is your husband working fa' now?" He asked Samia who was too busy messing around with her sons, who sat in their stroller.

Samia took her eyes off of her baby's and placed them onto Lieutenant Blue.

"If you want to know who my husband is working for, I suggest you ask him." She said turning back towards her children.

"Look lady," Lieutenant Blue said loudly, standing up from behind his desk. "you have a lot of got damn balls. Your husband is currently sittin' in a jail cell and he's going ta' stay there, until somebody tells me what he's doin' in my city."

Samia's face remained unbothered by Lieutenant Blue's outburst.

"I don't know why you're overreacting." She said rolling her eyes, turning back to her babies. "When you guys are older, don't act bitter because you can't get your way, ok."

"Ma'am, if you don't watch it, your goin' ta' find yourself in a jail cell adjacent ta' your husbands." Lieutenant Blue said causing Samia to laugh.

"Ok ma'am, don't get your panties in a bunch." Samia said not caring about anything Lieutenant Blue had just said.

"There's a phone call for you, Blue." Detective Henderson yelled from his desk.

Lieutenant Blue rolled his eyes at Samia, before telling back, "I'm busy right now, Henderson."

A faint "ok" could be heard coming from Detective Henderson's desk.

Lieutenant Blue planted both his hands on the desk, moving closer to where Samia sat.

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