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July 5th, 2020

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July 5th, 2020

"Your looks haven't changed, even though some years have gone by. Do I look the same?" Madame Sinclair asked Sahir as she applied lipgloss to her already glossed lips.

Hiding his disgusted look with a smile, Sahir shook his head.

"The only thing different about yourself is the woman you have surrounding you." Sahir said making Madame Sinclair tuck a piece of her bone straight weave behind her ear.

"Thank you." She said stepping forward. "The other woman I had around me were killed in Liberia."

Sahir made a sad face, his big lips moving into a pouting position.

"That was a sad day," He paused slowly, before smirking. "for them of course. May they rest in Hell."

Madame Sinclair placed a firm hand on his chest, feeling his hard muscles that lay underneath his shirt.

"You were always a man that had a way with words." She said lowering her hand, feeling him up. "With your skills, I always wondered why you settled for being a spy. You have way more potential than that."

Lieutenant Blue began to clear his throat loudly, trying to get someone's attention, so that the person pressing a gun into his back would move.

"You brought a cop with you, your ways must have changed over the years." She said eyeing Lieutenant Blue, while keeping her hand on Sahir.

Sahir shrugged his shoulders.

"The law likes to keep an eye on me wherever I go." Bending down, he whispered into her ear, "The only thing that changed over the years is my technique, if you know what I mean."

Madame Sinclair moved her eyes to Sahir, biting her lower lip.

"Follow me." She said as she began to walk towards the warehouse.

Sahir began to follow her, not caring about the woman who could end his life in seconds. Lieutenant Blue, however, eyed the woman pointing guns at him. Walking cautiously, his eyes wandered onto each woman, trying to see if they were moving to pull the trigger.

"Hurry up, Raymond." Sahir shouted as he disappeared between the warehouse doors.

Quickening up his steps, Lieutenant Blue entered the warehouse to see them heading towards an elevator. More woman that weren't outside, stood guard inside. Lieutenant Blue eyed each one of them, as he caught up to Sahir.

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