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June 19th, 2020

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June 19th, 2020

Sahir exited the record store, while pushing Sayid and Seiji's double stroller. He had picked up some old records of his favorite older artists, and he couldn't wait to put them on a record player. Especially the Marvin Gaye Sexual Healing one.

Placing the records underneath the stroller, Sahir bent down in front of his children. Sayid was currently chewing on one of his baby toys and Seiji was sitting in his shades, observing everything around him.

"We're gonna wait here for mommy, then hopefully she says that she's done shopping, so we can head back home." Sahir said to them, earning a smile when he mentioned their mom.

"When mommy talks about me, do y'all get this happy?" Sahir questioned the, only earning a giggle out of Sayid.

Seiji turned his head away from his father's foolishness, onto the person approaching from behind.

Standing up swiftly, Sahir turned around as soon as he felt the person a few feet away from him. Once he turned around, a smirk fell onto his face.

"Morty, how are you buddy?" Sahir moved behind the stroller, rolling it closer to the store door and locking the wheels. "Kids, this is the man that said he could steal your mommy from me."

Both Seiji and Sayid laughed at their father's foolishness.

"It's Muerte, Muerte, Muerte! It means death, and you shall die today!" Muerte said with a face filled with anger.

Bending down into a fighting stance, Muerte grabbed his switchblade from his pocket and opened it.

"I'll be nice and keep your kids alive. They'll love their new dad." Muerte said smirking at Sahir, hoping to get a rise out of him.

Sahir let out a scoff and shook his head, looking at the oncoming person behind Muerte.

"Baby, I'd like for you to meet Morty. He's been sitting here telling us how he's going to kill me and play stepdaddy to the kids." Sahir said to Samia, who stood behind Muerte.

Samia observed the scene before her, shaking her head. Already knowing what was going to happen, Samia placed her shopping bags onto the ground beside her.

"I'm sorry to tell you Morty, but I only want that stupid man in front of you. Even if you succeed, I wouldn't make you my kid's stepdaddy." Samia paused, before continuing. "I only date guys with all their real teeth."

Sahir busted out laughing, earning an malicious look from Muerte.

Muerte ran towards Sahir with intentions to stab him, only for Sahir to twist his arm behind him and make him release the switchblade. Throwing Muerte's body away from his, Sahir watched as Muerte ran at full speed, before stopping.

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